
Welcome to Group 6’s AEV Project Portfolio (:


  • The mission of group 6 is to build an AEV to be capable to perform many tasks. The AEV must be able to carry passengers from one location to the next while meeting specific criteria given by the lab instructor. This vehicle must be able to deal with differences in terrain and be sturdy enough to last the trip. In addition to being strong and adjustable, it must use as little energy as possible so as to preserve energy for the return trip. In the end, team 6 will have built an Advanced Energy Vehicle capable of necessary tasks.




  • The goal of this team is to gain experience with an Arduino controller and learning how to program it. The team will also learn to problem-solve as we go and how to design a vehicle with a design analysis tool in MatLab. Group members will be able to experience a simulated version of what is like to complete a project in real life and be educated on what it take sot work as a team. A side goal is to learn each others’s strengths and weaknesses and use them to your teams advantage.



Final AEV Design 

Solidworks initial sketch of design that is also the final: Initial 

Solidworks sketches of AEV pink design: AEV Pink