Lab 4: Design Analysis Tool

The pictures below show both the Power vs. Time and Power vs. Distance results from exercise four of the Preliminary R&D. Power is directly related to energy which is shown in the figures as the area below the curve. After interpreting the figures, there is a clear relationship between the code and the graphs. In the Power vs. Time graph, constant acceleration is shown for three seconds. Next, the motors remain at constant speed for approximately one second and then drop down in power and remain constant for two seconds. The large peak represents the amount of power needed to reverse the motors. Finally, the motors remain constant for two seconds until both motors brake and stop. Moving forward, the group will be able to use the data analysis tool to perform experimental tests. Since one of the main focuses of the group is efficiency, paying attention to the area under the curve will be important in conserving energy. Testing several different designs and motor powers will allow the group to produce the most efficient model.


Power vs. Time

Power vs. Distance