Technology for Success in College

Resource management is a fundamental necessity to academic success in the collegiate classroom! The following are known and recommended links to resources for a variety of reasons to be used at your disposal:


Carmen is a great starting point as a resource for keeping up with your syllabus, managing time, and making S.M.A.R.T goals!







An online resource for referencing how to properly cite information from others and format paper based upon specific guidelines.




A resource to enhance subject material coverage outside of the traditional classroom. Subjects include organic chemistry, calculus and more!





A user-friendly source for collaborating with group members for asynchronous or synchronous meetings.



A user friendly resource tool for quick flashcard making and studying!







As my time as an undergraduate student comes to a close, I can honestly say that I wish I had discovered some of these academic resources sooner! I highly recommend referencing peers and professors for additional resources to take control of your own education as much as possible. Best of luck in all of your endeavors!