Required Equipment, Scrubs, Textbooks, Software

NCLEX Preparation Software

The below information is for the BSN program in autumn.

Students in the pre-licensure nursing program are required to purchase NCLEX Preparation Package. The NCLEX-RN is the licensure exam each student must pass to become licensed in the United States as an RN and the NCLEX Preparation Package assists students throughout the entire nursing program to prepare for NCLEX-RN.

Prior to starting the nursing program, a payment will be paid directly to the company and they will provide technical support. Check your email and/or website for

More information about the product:

HESI Welcome Letter BSN 24

HESI Step-by-Step Payment Information


Medical Store Order Form (Scrubs and Equipment)

The Uniform & Equipment Form BSN – 2025-26 contains all necessary information regarding required uniforms and required equipment for the BSN program.  Please note you may also order online at .  If you only need to order a College of Nursing patch use this link

Mobile Device Requirements

The College of Nursing requires all undergraduate (BSN), graduate, and Graduate Entry students to have mobile devices by the beginning of their program as part of their requirements for the program. Having a mobile device puts a wealth of evidence based information at your fingertips; including, a drug database, lab and diagnostic tests information, information about medical conditions, calculators, formula references, and more.

For more detailed information on the mobile device requirements for the College of Nursing, please visit:

You will need to have all mobile device applications configured on your mobile device prior to orientation. If you have any trouble configuring your device, please contact the College of Nursing IT department at


IT Resources

Technology Requirements

A Note from The College of Nursing IT Office

The Ohio State University, recognizing the increasing need for electronic communication with students, has established email as an official means of communication with students. An official Ohio State University (OSU) email address is issued to each student upon admission to Ohio State, or upon initial enrollment, whichever occurs first.  Students are responsible for activating their email account by going to the OCIO web site at

The university will routinely send official communications to the university email address.

Since email has been adopted as a primary mechanism for sending official communications to students at OSU, students must check email regularly in order to read important messages and notifications. Certain communications may be time-sensitive. Failure to read official university communications sent to the students’ official OSU email addresses does not absolve students from knowing and complying with the content of those official communications. Students must also ensure that there is sufficient space in their e-mail inboxes to allow email to be delivered and received.

Students who choose to have their email forwarded to a private email address outside the official university network address will be doing so at their own risk. The university is not responsible for any difficulties that may occur in the proper or timely transmission or access of email forwarded to any third-party email address. Any such problems will not absolve students of their responsibility to know and comply with the content of official communications sent to students’ official Ohio State University email addresses.

Further information about Email can be reviewed here.

Student Health Insurance 

All students at the Ohio State University are required to have health insurance if they are enrolled at least half-time and in a degree program of study. Click here for more information about student health insurance.



There are a limited number of lockers available for student use in the basement of Newton Hall. These lockers are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must come to the Office of Student Affairs and Success (106 Newton Hall) to complete and sign a Locker Agreement form to be assigned a locker. This agreement can be renewed annually. Students are responsible for supplying the lock and will be required to provide the combination or a spare key for the lock to be assigned a locker. This will be kept secured with your signed agreement in the Office of Student Affairs and Success. Items kept in lockers must be non-perishable and in compliance with The Ohio State University’s Code of Student Conduct. All items and the lock must be removed from lockers at the end of spring semester.