
Global Awareness:  My goal for global awareness is to do global brigades. Global Brigades goes to a different country each year for a nine day trip to help doctors set up a clinic and other public health resources in a village. This allows me to submerge myself into a completely different culture for nine days and also shadow doctors and help them one on one with patients.

Original Inquiry: My goal for original inquiry is to take part in undergraduate research. I would like to do research with either the Nisonger Center or a biochemistry lab.

Academic Enrichment: My goal for academic enrichment is to aim to be on the Dean’s List by receiving a 3.5 GPA or above every semester. I would also like to challenge myself further by joining a club and applying to be on the board after a year or two.

Leadership Development: My goal for leadership development is to become a mentor nnext year in Ladies of Leadership. Ladies of Leadership is a mentorship program for women of color, currently I am a mentee. I would also like to be the outreach chair for the Somali Student’s Association, to work with the Somali community as a college student. and their Honors & Scholars students develop leadership skills that can be demonstrated in the classroom, in the community, in their co-curricular activities, and in their future roles in society.

Service Engagement: My goal for service engagement is to continue volunteering at my mosque and to start volunteering at the James Cancer Center.

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