Searching and Researching Blog Post

I like the assignment for recording all of our useful resources because it made me go back and look at all of them to see which ones I wanted to keep in addition to what I already saved. My favorite from the list I made was the keyboard shortcut list which I have already saved at work to use and the Noisli sound site. I am currently listening to the waves wishing I was still in Myrtle Beach.

This weeks topic of searching and researching for info for like research papers or other school assignments was useful because I am definitely guilty of what the one girl did from “shopaholics” I definitely just google blindly. I’ve seen the term boolean before so that was just sort of a refresher but I think I need to start using it more for sure because it just makes sense. I also need to start venturing towards other search sites besides Google, but that’s so hard to say because it’s just so easy to use! It’s so easy to find basic sites that just scratch the surface of topics but finding ones that actually go into detail on things can also be too much to read, I’m an advanced skimmer for information because sadly I hate reading.

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