Prefair Judging Schedule Posted

Adams County 4-H prefair judging will be held on Tuesday, June 22 at the West Union Elementary School.  This is a change of location from the previous announcement due to a scheduling conflict.  Please find the allotted time for your project on the attached schedule and be at the elementary school about 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time to check in.

2021 project completion and fair requirements can be found here.  Pay special attention to the County Requirements column in order to know what is required during prefair judging. Please be sure to bring all required items, including your completed project record book, to judging with you.  Members should dress appropriately and put forth their best effort.

Members enrolled in a cooking project will take the Food & Nutrition skillathon during project judging.  The skillathon will cover basic measurements, cooking tools, methods, and nutrition information.  Project books are an excellent study resource.

Clothing members will compete in the Style Review at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 22 at West Union Elementary.  Members will be asked to complete a review card describing their outfit to be read while they model their project.

Non-livestock projects must also be displayed in the 4-H Booth Building during the fair in order to receive premiums or awards.  If your club does not have a booth, you are responsible to drop off the required items (poster, display, or other listed items) at the county booth area in the 4-H Booth Building on July 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or July 11 before 9 a.m. and pick them up between 4-6 p.m. on Saturday, July 17.

If you are unable to attend project judging on Tuesday, June 22 you have options to complete your non-livestock project.  We will offer an early judging on Friday, June 18 that will allow members to maintain eligibility for awards and State Fair attendance.  You must call the Extension Office at 937-544-2339 to schedule an appointment no later than Wednesday, June 16.  We will also offer makeup project judging on Tuesday, June 29 at the Extension Office.  Makeup judging allows members to complete their project but they will not be eligible for awards or State Fair competition.  Please call to schedule an appointment by Monday, June 28 if you need to attend makeup project judging.

If you have questions about prefair judging, project requirements, or makeup judging, feel free to reach out to the Extension Office at 937-544-2339 or email Kristy at

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