4-H Camp planning is now in full swing that Ohio 4-H received the go-ahead from OSU leadership to conduct overnight camping. There are still many details to finalize but the Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp and Ohio 4-H Camping teams are working hard towards that goal. We hope to have registration available later this week but in the meantime wanted to get the dates and camp scholarship information out to campers.
2021 Adams County 4-H Camp dates are:
- Beginner Camp (grades 3-5): June 1st-4th
- Cloverbud Family DAY Camp at Canter’s Cave: June 6th
- Junior High Camp (grades 6-8): June 14th– 17th
- Teen Camp: June 18th-21st
Scholarships for camp are available! The Stan Harrison Scholarship is open to any camper based on financial need. This is usually a partial camp scholarship to help make camp more affordable for families. The Adams County 4-H Advisory Committee also awards the Camper of the Month scholarship. This scholarship is for first time campers and preference is that two scholarships are awarded for each camp. Camp scholarship applications are available on our website or at the Extension office and are due back to the office no later than May 14 by 4 p.m.