Adams County 4-H Countywide Zoom Meeting Sunday, February 28, 3 p.m.

The Countywide 4-H Meeting will be this Sunday, February 28 at 3 p.m on Zoom. This month we will share tips and tricks to help you successfully complete your 4-H project(s).  We will also have pledges, county updates, a 4-H swag drawing for members present, and virtual recreation. Log on at

Please have a piece of paper (copy, construction, cardstock, or colored) and crayons or markers to complete our community service project.

Clubs interested in a breakout room after the county meeting, please contact me prior to the meeting.  All 4-H members and their families are invited to attend!

Parents/guardians are responsible for maintaining care, custody, and control of their minor(s) and are responsible for monitoring the activities their child is participating in. If you have a disability and have questions about accessibility or wish to request accommodations, please contact Kristy Watters at

Countdown to Enrollment! Deadline March 15, 2021

Adams County 4-H enrollment deadline has been extended to March 15, 2021.

Visit to enroll for the new project year.  To log in, use your email address that is on file with the Extension office and the password you created for 4-H Online.  If you don’t remember your password, you can choose “reset password” on the home page of 4-H Online.  If you are not sure which email address you use, please contact the office.  If you have been in 4-H before, please do NOT create a new profile.  Here is a short video to help you through the process.

If you questions, please contact the office at 937-544-2339.  You can also email Barbie or Kristy if you have questions.  Remember to log in before the March 15 enrollment deadline.

4-H is… Tell Us What 4-H Is To You!

What is 4-H to you? We are asking members to finish the sentence “4-H is…”. Watch our social media over the next few weeks as we share your responses and what 4-H means to youth in Adams County.
If you’d like to share your “4-H is…” please email Kristy at and include a photo of yourself and your favorite 4-H activity.  Don’t forget to enroll today at

4-H Scholarship Deadline is Friday, February 26!

The Adams County 4-H and Chad Downing Memorial Scholarship applications are due in the Extension office by Friday, February 26.  Applications are available in pdf or fillable Word versions at  Scholarship applications, including a) Completed Scholarship Application; b) Current high school transcript that includes GPA; c) One letter of reference from an Adams County 4-H advisor who is not a relative, may be dropped at the Extension office, in the dropbox outside the Extension office door, or scanned and emailed to prior to the deadline.

Adams County 4-H/Chad Downing Memorial Scholarship Eligibility and Criteria:

  1. 4-H members must be a high school senior (or equivalent) at the time of application.
  2. Applicant must have been a member of Adams County 4-H for at least four years, including the current and immediate past year.  The current year is the year that began on October 1 and continues through the upcoming fair.
  3. Applicant should have a 2.5 cumulative GPA in high school (on a four-point scale).
  4. Applicant should have been active in school and community activities, as well as in 4-H.
  5. Scholarships must be used at an accredited college or post-secondary training program.
  6. Application should be typewritten using Arial 11 point font; Maintain ½ inch left and right margins using the formatted application.

New in 2021, the Adams County 4-H Advisory Committee is also administering the educational funds for the Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative.  Applicants that have a background in agriculture or are pursuing an agricultural degree are eligible for these funds.

Scholarship Opportunities Available!

The Adams County 4-H and Chad Downing Memorial Scholarship applications are available in pdf or fillable Word versions at  Scholarship applications, including a) Completed Scholarship Application; b) Current high school transcript that includes GPA; c) One letter of reference from an Adams County 4-H advisor who is not a relative, are due to the Extension office by 4 p.m. Friday, February 26, 2021.  Applications and materials may be scanned and emailed to prior to the deadline.

Adams County 4-H/Chad Downing Memorial Scholarship Eligibility and Criteria:

  1. 4-H members must be a high school senior (or equivalent) at the time of application.
  2. Applicant must have been a member of Adams County 4-H for at least four years, including the current and immediate past year.  The current year is the year that began on October 1 and continues through the upcoming fair.
  3. Applicant should have a 2.5 cumulative GPA in high school (on a four-point scale).
  4. Applicant should have been active in school and community activities, as well as in 4-H.
  5. Scholarships must be used at an accredited college or post-secondary training program.
  6. Application should be typewritten using Arial 11 point font; Maintain ½ inch left and right margins using the formatted application.

Other Scholarship Opportunities

  • Ohio 4-H scholarship opportunities can be found on the Ohio 4-H website .  These applications are due February 15 so don’t wait!
  • The Adams County Farm Bureau is offering two $500 scholarships for 2021 high school graduates, whom are the children/dependents of Adams County Farm Bureau members.  You can request an application from your high school guidance counselor or by contacting the Extension office.  Submission deadline is 4 p.m. March 25, 2021.
  • The Adams County Cattlemen Association is offering a Cattlemen’s Scholarship and a Beef Ambassador Scholarship.  Applications are available at the Extension Office or by contacting your school guidance counselor.  Submission deadline is March 13, 2021 for these applications.

Seniors, don’t delay!  Begin working on these applications now.  We will share additional opportunities as find them.


Cloverbud Volunteer Resources

Cloverbud volunteers, check out the 4-H Cloverbud Connections blog at  It is a great resource for discovering new activities, ideas, and ways to engage our youngest 4-H members.  You can subscribe to the blog by providing your email address in the lower lefthand side of the home page and clicking subscribe.  4-H Cloverbud Connections also provides access to the Click It, Print It, Do It activity pages, 4-H Cloverbud Reading Adventures, past issues of the Cloverbud Connection newsletter, and the Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Resources.

For 2021, selected activities from The Big Book of Cloverbud Activities are also available for free download on the Ohio 4-H Stay At Home Projects page.

So many great ways to engage our Cloverbud members to encourage experintial learning, physical activity, creativity, and a sense of belonging.  Building a strong foundation for many years of Making the Best Better.