1.  The patient’s condition is most likely caused by 

      A.  Rhinovirus

      B.  Staphylococcus aureus

      C.  Streptococcus pneumoniae

      D.  Environmental irritants such as secondhand smoke or chemical exposure


 2.  A nurse practitioner suspects that a patient has acute viral bronchitis. In addition to conducting a thorough physical assessment, which of the following should the provider order? 

     A.  Airborne droplet precautions isolation status

     B.  Pulmonary function tests

     C.  Chest X-ray

     D.  Antibiotic therapy


 3.  Signs and symptoms of acute bronchitis include which of the following?  

     A.  Hypersecretion of mucus and chronic productive cough for at least 3 months of the year for at least 2 consecutive years

     B.  Malaise, fever, and white fluffy infiltrates found on x-ray

     C.  Fever, chills, and coughing fits that are worsened by breathing dusty air

     D.  Night sweats, anorexia, and hemoptysis


4. Acute Bronchitis can be characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

      A. Fever and malaise 

      B. Crackles on auscultation with white infiltrates shown on x-ray

      C. Episodes of generalized chest pain after coughing fits

      D. Dry cough that is worsened by breathing in cold, dry air


5.  What causes the hallmark cough of acute bronchitis?

      A.  Fungal infection of bronchial tubes

      B.  Edema of the upper airways

      C.  Copious amounts of sputum production from hypersecretion of mucus

      D.  Virus triggers the inflammatory response and irritates the bronchi