Women in CyberSecurity at OSU

We introduce members of all majors and genders to the field of cybersecurity. We invite in people of various careers to give talks about different aspects of cybersecurity and give members the chance to network. We work closely with Cyber Security Club and CCDC to put on our Capture the Flag event each semester.

Contact lisle.25@osu.edu with any questions!

The Zoom Link is open from 10am-12pm and 1-3pm

ZOOM LINK: https://osu.zoom.us/j/99557113212?pwd=RTVPWnFMeStLVE4wbFJKbkdtRnBWZz09


Meetings every Thursday at 7.

Zoom links for meetings: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=dbd7b59c78e8477e855345648&id=6ed863b82c&e=2e0c97b834__;!!KGKeukY!i1_fJCsClmELNVxouMU38K17ig3bDN73gLJivQgft2Ghako_yxGHjcuKUbIbzVnD$

Form for new members:
