About Me

Sofia Aceto is a first year undergraduate student attending The Ohio State University. She is studying at Fisher College of Business to obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and Finance to pursue a career in marketing management. Aside from her academics, Sofia enjoys dedicating time to extracurricular activities to stay involved in campus life. She is a member of Mount Leadership Society Scholars Program, where she takes part in several volunteer service projects and learns how to develop skills as a leader, which she will make use of in her future career. In addition to Mount, Sofia pursues to become of member of the Undergraduate Student Government, where she has a strong desire to better life on campus for students, as well as a member of of the Ohio State Club Volleyball Team. When not in school, Sofia enjoys staying social by spending her time on the court playing volleyball, as well as taking part in various activities around campus and outside, in the city of Columbus, with friends. If you have questions about campus life at Ohio State or studying business at Fisher College, feel free to contact Sofia with any questions!

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