2019 ACEL Banquet

I shared the following message with our students the day after our department banquet. For those unable to attend, feel free to check out our comprehensive program: 2019 ACEL Banquet Program #WeAreACELBuckeyes

Thank you for a tremendous academic year! We have had such a wonderful year together as we’ve made progress on some of our goals as a departments and as you’ve been able to reach some of your professional and personal goals. As we continue together, please let us know how we can continue to play a role in your growth.

Thank you to those who were able to celebrate at our department banquet last night. I share my strongest encouragement to ALL of our students to attend our year end banquet. This is an opportunity to pause, eat good food together, and celebrate our year. This is also an opportunity to support each other and reflect upon where we want to be next year.

We had over 210 students, faculty, staff and supporters at last night’s event. We honored over 70 students with scholarships. We recognized students and alumni in new ways. We said farewell to our seniors. We connected with our student organizations. And most importantly, we did all of that in 2 hours and 5 minutes – WITH A MEAL! Thank you to those who assisted with set-up, speaking, sharing posters, tearing down and other tasks related to last night’s banquet. We couldn’t have done it without you.

To our graduating students, you are about to join a large network of over 3,000 living ACEL alumni. This network has distinguished individuals who are serving and leading communities, our industry, and our profession. We have high hopes for you, but have faith you will live up to those hopes. Please consider us part of your forever-Ohio State home. You will always be an ACEL Buckeye.

I continue to be honored to serve you as your department chair.