Centennial Challenge: Day 4

It’s the fourth day of postings for the centennial challenge (https://u.osu.edu/acelchairtk/…/chairs-centennial-challenge/) where I am challenging myself and others to reflect and post about how ACEL at Ohio State has cultivated their futures. Today, I share these pictures because ACEL has cultivated my success. My faculty at the time not only encouraged my learning inside the classroom but outside of it, as well. Although I may have taken someone’s advice that there’s more to learn outside of the class a little too literally (my grades paid the price a time or two – and for the record, a behavior I would change if I had to do it over again), I felt I had a department that supported me in my ventures. I have been fortunate in my career, but much of my success depicted by these pictures was fostered in ACEL. #ACELat100 #CultivatingFutures

If you’re a fellow ACEL alum, play along with the Centennial Challenge! Go to https://u.osu.edu/acelchairtk/…/chairs-centennial-challenge/ for details.

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