
Photos and Print Materials

ACEL History Flickr Site (Pictures)
There are many pictures from our past posted on the ACEL History Flickr site.  As we continue to make history, some of our more recent events are being archived on this site, as well.  As we are able to catalog and scan or obtain more pictures, we will include them on this site.

High resolution pictures from the Centennial Celebration are also on the ACEL History Flickr page. You may have to scroll through our most recent posts to find them.

ACEL Centennial Fact Book
This is a PDF of the fact book we’ve shared this academic year regarding our department and it’s faculty, staff, students and alumni. Enjoy the (more than) 100 facts and figures about our engagement on campus and accomplishments across 100 years.

Ohio FFA Convention
Alumni were asked to share what ACEL cultivated in them as a student. Check out their responses.

Alumni Happy Hour
Alumni gathered to connect and celebrate the July 1 anniversary date.

Dissertation Word Cloud Poster [PDF] [JPG]
We generated a word cloud using all of the dissertation titles from the past 100 years and developed a poster for the Ph.D. Luncheon on October 6, 2017.


Recording of the Centennial Celebration Event [Full Version]
The following video is the full version of our evening celebration event held on October 6, 2017.

Recording of the Centennial Celebration Event [Condensed Version]
The following video is the condensed version of our evening celebration event held on October 6, 2017.

Centennial Video
The following video is the full version of the official Centennial video. This video debuted on October 6, 2017.

Centennial Video Trailer
The following video is the 1 minute teaser trailer for the official Centennial video.  This video debuted on July 1, 2017.

Department Chair Videos from the 85th Anniversary
These are videos taken of the living department chairs at the time of the 85th Anniversary (2002) regarding their time as leaders of the department.