Sara (Camacho) Bonnette
Majoring in agricultural communication, Sara earned her bachelor’s degree in 2008. After graduation, she continued her education and earned her Master of Education in 2009. She is currently located in Marietta, Ohio as an agriscience teacher at Frontier High School in New Matamoras, Ohio. Bonnette states, “Even though I am not doing what I went to college for, I am happier than I could have ever thought as an Agriscience Teacher. I love every victory and valley in the student’s journey. Our chapter is flourishing, and the value that the student’s add to my life, is more than I could have ever imagined!”
Christy Clary
Graduating in 2008 with her bachelor’s degree, Christy Clary majored in agricultural communication. Located in Brown County, she is currently employed as the Extension Educator, 4-H Development and County Extension Director for OSU Extension Brown County. Since graduating, she has had the opportunity to work in Washington D.C., Texas, Wisconsin, and throughout Ohio with youth related programs and camps. Recently, Clary received her master’s degree in Youth Development and Agricultural Education in 2013 from Purdue University. Earlier this year, she also began a PhD program in Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership.
Jenna Genson
Earning her bachelor’s degree in 2008, Jenna majored in agricultural education. After earning her bachelor’s degree, Genson attended Virginia Tech, where she earned a Masters of Science in Life Sciences in the Agricultural Leadership and Community Education Department. Upon her graduation in 2010, she moved back home and served as the agricultural educator and FFA Advisor at Valley View High School. She then accepted her position at National FFA in August of 2012. She is now living in Indianapolis, Indiana, serving on the Awards and Recognition team as the Education Specialist for the National Agriscience Fair Program and National Chapter Award Program. Genson states, “I enjoy serving FFA members, advisors and other passionate stakeholders from all over our great nation by developing, designing and delivering these programs with a great collaborative team and a variety of dedicated volunteers. I enjoy traveling for work to provide professional development relating to these programs and in turn learning more about agriculture and education across the country.”
Rose (Dudgeon) Hartschuh
Rose Hartschuh majored in Agricultural Education and graduated with her bachelor’s degree in 2008. She is now located in Sycamore, Ohio as the owner and manager of Acres of Adventure (, partner in The Pickwick Place (, and Syngenta Seed Advisor. As a piece of advice for current students at The Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, Hartschuh says, “I would highly encourage seniors to apply for recognition as Outstanding Seniors. It was a highly meaningful honor for me to be included in such an elite group of CFAES students, many of whom I still stay in contact with. Underclassmen, it is never too early to begin positioning yourself for this achievement. Engage in groups and causes you are passionate about and make your studies a priority.”
Jody Poth
Earning her bachelor’s degree in 2008, Jody majored in agricultural education. She is now located in Columbus, Ohio as the Director of Alumni Engagement for the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.
Other students who were recognized as an outstanding senior in 2008 from our department include:
Gina Anderson, agricultural and extension education
Amanda Gamble, agricultural and extension education
Abby Yochum Kyle,agricultural and extension education
Elizabeth Duncan, agricultural and extension education
Jackie Lennartz, agricultural communication
Annie Specht, agricultural communication
Patrick Nolan, agricultural and extension education