Class Honorary Applications Available

Bucket and Dipper Honorary Applications Available
Bucket & Dipper (B&D), the second oldest honorary on campus (and in our opinion, the coolest and most fun as well), recognizes outstanding members of the junior class based on the three pillars of the honorary system: scholarship, leadership, and service. Originally an all male honorary, B&D is currently a group of thirty outstanding male and female undergraduates. The organization has a long history of giving back to Ohio State and developing some of the best student leaders on campus.

Bucket & Dipper is active in many areas throughout the university. B&D is a member of the Association of Ohio State Class Honoraries (AOSCH), the self-governing body of the class honorary community at Ohio State. The most notable event, however, is the Illibuck pass, a football tradition dating back to 1925. In addition, B&D members regularly perform community service around the Columbus area.

Download the application for the 109th class of Bucket and Dipper here. Applications are due as an attachment sent to Summer by January 22nd at 11:59 p.m.

Towers Agricultural Honorary Accepting Applications for Membership for the 2016 class
Towers Agricultural Honorary was founded in 1952 by Allan W. Smith, in an effort to establish an organization to honor individuals in agricultural fields demonstrating high levels of scholarship, strong leadership skills, and high moral character. The Honorary is comprised of a variety of majors and backgrounds within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University. Any student in CFAES who has completed at least three academic semesters, or any transfer student who has completed one academic semester in agriculture and is at least a first semester sophomore, has earned an accumulative point hour ratio of 3.00 and has proven himself/herself outstanding in at least one extracurricular activity is eligible for membership.

To apply: fill out application at Contact Jared Ashworth if you have any questions and/or need more information. Applications are due January 29, 2016.

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