Horsin’ Around

By: Lindsey Walls
Mendon, Ohio
Agribusiness and Applied Economics

Becoming a student at the Ohio State University was amongst one of the greatest choices I have ever made. Being only a sophomore, I have gotten to experience so many exciting things and have learned more than I could have ever imagined. For my agriculture communication class project, we were required to visit a place of agri-tourism, learn more about their marketing techniques, and ways of educating city folks who don’t get to experience everyday life on the farm. My friend, Kandace, and I chose to tour the Marmon Valley Farms, in Zanesville, Ohio, and learn more about their way of generating agri-tourism and agri-tainment.

Lindsey Walls, photo 2

As we drove up the long, winding driveway, on our way to the ranch, on the beautiful fall day, my friend and I were so eager for this experience. As our tour guide greeted us, she was more than excited to show us around. We began our tour around the farm by walking through all of the sites, there were many barns filled with fun games and activities, other barns were filled with animals waiting to be petted. There was something for everyone to do of all ages and backgrounds. However, the barns filled with animals and games weren’t the extent of all the activities. One of the kids’ favorite things to do was to ride the horses. Marmon Valley Farms houses over 150 horses, which were all rescued. On sunny afternoons the kids get to ride a horse of their choice into the hills of Bellefontaine, Ohio. Kandace and I got to do many different things while we were thing, amongst our favorite, getting to pet all 150 horses and watch them interact with one another out in the pasture.

Lindsey Walls, photo 1

I’m really glad I got to experience this version of agri-tourism, as it was something that I never had done. It was really a neat experience. I learned a lot about agri-tourism and agri-tainment, and that in order to be successful; you must have entertainment for all types. Even though the Marmon Valley Farm’s main goal was to give the kids the experience of riding horses along with the “farm-life experience”, you must include all different types of activities, for all of the different young interests’. The weather was nice, the horses were beautiful and altogether, our Friday afternoon at the Marmon Valley Farm couldn’t have been any better.


Lindsey wrote this blog post as part of an in class assignment for the Agricultural Communication 2367 course. All opinions are her own.

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