Video Collections
The Middle East Studies Center produces edited videos from our events and publishes them on our Youtube Channel. You also may access footage from our events in our Knowledge Bank Community, along with instructional resources and other publications. OSU faculty members can access our former VHS collection – now streaming onine – via the Secured Media Library, maintained by Media Services. The Library also has a collection of DVDs relevant to the Middle East curated by MESC. Local teachers can access OSU Library materials by showing their employee ID from their school.
Image Collections
Saudi Aramco World Digital Image Archive – (Must fill out permission request form and follow content use guidelines in order to use content)
Iranian Coins Galleries:
- Ancient Coins of Iran/Persia
- Iranian/Persian Coins from 224CE until today
Keys to Understanding the Middle East Image Collection (From e-Book)
Religion in the Middle East Collection in Lattice, a Product of Photoshelter
Images of World War One Collection
The University of Texas Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection is host to a wide variety of useful and relevant maps about the Middle East
Audio/visual materials and copyright:
MESC complies with copyright restrictions and purchases institutional and/or one-time showing licenses for many of the media available through the lending library. Media which is still under copyright is often permitted to be used in the classroom without the purchase of additional licenses. However, those media should only be used for personal or classroom use and should not be played publicly.