March 2019 Advisor of the Month

Check out some of the amazing things our advising colleagues have done this month! Thank you to each of you for all your hard work!

Alex Thomas Alex has helped our department create a summer scholarship for research. He had this additional responsibility during the busiest time of the year- SCHEDULING! Alex also is always willing to answer questions and serve our advising team and department team in any way he can.
Amy Selby Amy really has stepped up in a lot of areas in our office. We appreciate her taking the lead on most things OnCourse and sharing lots of valuable information from trainings she has attended.
Jim Lingo Jim has been a trooper during this busy time of advising here in EHE, he is always positive and always here to support me when I have questions. He is a great advisor and coworker! He steps up when he feels like he should, he is a born leader and doing some great things in the advising community.
Barry Tolchin The past few months, Barry has really stepped up in his office. Being down 2 advisors, he took on all duties handled by our office in addition to our advising load, including managing scholarships, assisting faculty, scheduling courses , managing our industry mentorship program, assisting our student organizations, coordinating our Undergraduate Studies Committee, and more. Barry is an asset to our department. He continues to exemplify what it means to be a true leader and advocate for our students. We are lucky to have him and really appreciate all of his hard work!
Liz Riter I could nominate Liz every month. She just came back from maternity leave, and never missed a beat. She consistently takes on extra responsibilities within the office, and creates a very positive and student-centered atmosphere. I am constantly amazed at her productivity, ability to balance everything we have going on, and genuine care for our students, faculty, and staff.

And the winners of the ACADAOS raffle are… Alex Thomas & Liz Riter!

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