Module 4 Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

In this week’s module, the most important thing I learned was active reading. I always have trouble reading and understanding text. The one reason this happens for me is that every time I am reading a large amount of text, I find myself zoning out and not retaining any information. I don’t notice this until I have finished reading the text or get through a majority of it. I thought that the “SQ3R reading method” on slide five of the powerpoint sounded extremely helpful and insightful. I already usually skim the material first but I never thought to start writing down questions of my own and try to find those answers in the text.

Another thing I found very helpful and already started taking advantage of was the video about smart studying on slide 15. I already take some time out during the day to exercise and usually do it at the very end of the day. The video taught me that it’s better to exercise during the study break so that I give my mind a break and greatly improve brain performance. I usually study alone, but the video said that it would help to have a study partner so that we would have someone to test our knowledge with. This small change alone will help move the information from short term memory to long term memory.

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