Learning Artifacts

Procrastination is a common problem for most students. If a class is extremely uninteresting it is hard to give the will to exceed.
This source is good for preventing procrastination: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/200308/procrastination-ten-things-know
This source also helps with planning ahead, planning ahead helps you make sure that yo have enough time to complete your assignment.
This source gives other helpful hints for planning ahead: http://spsblog.cofc.edu/blog/6-time-management-tips-for-non-traditional-students
Procrastination is a common problem but can be easily prevented for a student, or even an employee.


One learning strategy that has helped me is creating a SMART goal. Smart goals help you efficiently help someone get their goal accomplished. SMART stands for: S: Specific. M:Measurable, A:Achievable, R: Realistic, T:Timely.
This is one resources that may help : S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting Strategy
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
this link has also helped: https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/essential-guide-writing-smart-goals
Creating a SMART goal is simple and easy. It can pretty much ensure that you will accomplish your goal!


A take away/learning artifact I have learned in this class is working well in groups.
This reading has helped me : (Richardson, Carole. (2004). Participating in Group Projects Online. In G. M. Piskurich (Ed.), Getting the most from online learning: A learner’s guide (pp. 145-152). San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons).
This video is also a source that was very resourceful :https://youtu.be/k20ZD5fBZuM
I have learned that working in groups is NOT easy. You need to agree on a method to communicate, like text, Groupme, or email.
Groupme was a very helpful tool used: https://groupme.com/en-US/
Also, you need to decide which tool to communicate on. My group uses google docs and carmenconnect