

The idea for this comic came from a conversation I had with my dad on the phone on Wednesday morning. He said he was sad waking up after the Indian’s loss but he would be a lot more sad if he woke up next Wednesday morning he woke up and so and so had one the presidency. A lot of the American population did not support either presidential candidate and would be upset if either one of them won the presidency. I decided to chronicle the upsets in a week in the life of a Clevelander and then carry it on and generalize it to Americans.

3D Creation


I created this block O filled with pictures of my gameday experiences so far at Ohio State. When you view the object in 3D mode there are pictures covering the entire thing. I tried to create a custom block O shape and extrude it as a 3D object because I couldn’t find a font that I was completely satisfied with, but I wasn’t able to figure it out so I scratched that idea and just found the font that was closest to the signature block O. I then created a few collages of some of my favorite photos and manipulated them a lot to get them to fit right on the shape.

Magazine Cover


My magazine cover is of my friend Grace. I tried to incorporate some of her favorite things, such as the color pink, fashion, and beauty products. For the title text I wanted to make it very classic, so I used a font very similar to the one vogue uses. I didn’t want it to be boring, plus the white on one side and black on the other side of the picture meant I had to use a color for the title text, so I used some pink flowers as a texture for the title text. I spent a lot of time messing around with the texts on the rest of the magazine in order to make it look professional and also to grab the attention of the reader. I had so much fun with this assignment and love the way it turned out!

Photomerge Panorama


Mirror Lake is probably my favorite place on campus. I figured it would be the perfect thing to capture as a panorama because you can’t capture the whole thing in just one normal picture. I enjoy the fact that panoramas give you the ability to capture a full scene instead of just part of one. Panoramic and 360 degree photos may distort images a bit, but you cannot expect a digital version of a vision to be able to exactly replicate the vision of the human eye. Photos are a moment captured in time, while in real life we are able to move around and look around and experience things in live action. This being said, I really enjoy the wide angle that panoramas provide. As long as you don’t try to capture too much more than 180 degrees, the photo doesn’t become too distorted. I think that the wide angle adds to the subject matter and aesthetic value of the photo, because you can capture the trees, water, fountain, buildings, and the sun all in one photo.

(my photo did not show the full 360 degrees so I was unable to use the website to create a 360 photo)


Also, please enjoy this halloween themed version of my photo. I was playing around with the colors and this edit felt festive. Happy October 🙂

Long Exposure & Filters




This is my long exposure photo. I used a flashlight I had and put a timer on the app and set my phone down, and when it started the 16 second interval that I set I started drawing my name backwards. The filter I used on it was the “glowing edges” one and when I used it twice it gave a really cool effect.


This is a picture from a couple weeks ago of my friends heading to the Kesha concert, walking down the sidewalk. The sun was going behind the clouds straight ahead of them and you can see some of the rays emphasized by this “glowing edges” filter. I like the fact that this picture looks like nighttime after the filter but it was taken in the evening and there are shadows in the picture.


This is a picture I took of the lights in the Koffolt Lab. I pixelated the picture a bit and then did a “render” “extrude” function which brought those pixels out in block form.



This is my portrait that I enhanced and edited to make it more clean and professional. I had my friend Julia stand in a rocky cove near Mirror Lake  and the background allowed her to stand out, while also being interesting and pretty to look at. I cropped the picture, which originally had her centered, to make her face land in an intersection when placed in the rule of thirds grid. I traced around her body and brightened it up so she would stand out even more from the background. I then did the opposite and traced out the background and made it a bit greener and added some contrast. I did some basic spot removing on her face, though she didn’t need much at all and I also got rid of some stray hairs because they really stood out against her black shirt.





I had a much easier time editing this photo because it was supposed to be creative and exaggerated. I enjoyed not having to play by the rules of reality and found myself having a lot of fun with color. I made decided to play around with the color of her hair and decided on this pretty aqua color because it is both of our favorite colors! I tinted her shorts purple, and I made the grass very green. Before I did any of the color work I overexposed and brightened just her body to make her look very pale and almost ghostly. I enjoy this picture because it is fun, but I could’ve very easily gone the other way with it and made it look very clean and editorial. I like that with editing you have the power to make that decision, though.


screen-shot-2016-09-16-at-1-27-44-pmscreen-shot-2016-09-16-at-1-27-20-pmI loved having the ability in photoshop to manipulate the colors. I love the way pictures look when only one subject matter is in color and the rest is in black and white, so I took this very busy photo that I took in Little Italy, NYC and decided that the stoplight would be my point of color. I noticed the stoplight and kind of wondered where the cars were, because the streets were filled with people. I figure that when people look at the edited photo, they will see the stoplight and wonder the same thing.

img_5180img_2325-psdThis is a picture of the Daniel Carter Beard Bridge in Cincinnati. I visited Cincinnati for a music festival, and it was very rainy and cloudy while I was there, so I enhanced the colors of the picture to make it look like a bright, beautiful day. I love a picture that captures multiple subjects at once, in this case the river, the bridge, and the city scape. I was able to capture this because this picture was taken from far away and from a sort of aerial point of view, as I was at a level above all of the subjects.


I took this picture while at Topsail Island beach over the summer. I noticed the vanishing point at the end of the pier and the lines that the posts created. I wanted to see if I could manipulate this picture to look more “perfect” and make the lines more vertical, but as I was playing around with the picture I found that stretching it vertically looked pretty cool. The edited picture gives me a feel that the picture was taken looking straight up from the ground, but also looking straight into the horizon.





Cool                                                        Normal                                                  Warm

Here is a picture from my prom. I felt that the colors and the feel of the photo could be changed with a “temperature” adjustment to the photo. The blue tones of the “cool” photo make the feel of the picture seem literally colder to me. The  weather was a bit bleak the day of prom, so even the “normal” picture seems to cool for my taste. The “warm” photo may be a bit too warm, but overall I think it is my favorite version of this picture.










Underexposed                                       Normal                                             Overexposed

I took this photo while laying in the middle of central park on a trip I took to NYC. The sun was shining through the trees and the sky was completely clear. It was a beautiful day and I feel that the “normal” version of this picture best captures the scene. The “underexposed” version makes the photo too dark and doesn’t capture the texture of the trees enough. On the other hand, the “overexposed” version brings too much brightness into the picture. You lose the peek at the sky and can’t make out the definition of the trees in the picture.



Week 2



Game day was a blast, and the day could not have been more beautiful. The stadium was packed, and I see this picture as open because the stands keep continuing on beyond the edges of the picture.



Spotted Afroduck on Mirror Lake, and as he floated away he became off-center in the picture. If you create a grid the subject of the picture falls on the lines of the grid.



Bikes are very popular around campus (I wish I had one here), and these seemed like a perfect subject for a picture. They are the focal point of the picture so it is closed.



Thompson William Oxley Statue is a classic here, as he looks across the oval. With the trees framing him on either side and the paths diverging in opposite directions, I see this photo as symmetrical.IMG_4777


The reflection of Scott House in the window of the engineering building made a really cool picture, and the lines in the windows extending off the edges make this an open picture.


Closed, Thirds

Mason Hall of Fisher College of Business looked beautiful with the sun shining behind it. It may not be centered, but it is clearly the focal point of this picture, categorizing it as closed and thirds.

Jumping for Joy!


As my friends and I got ready to start our exciting journeys at our (all different) colleges, we had many exciting summer adventures! We wanted to make the most of every moment we had until we inevitably left our normal, comfortable lives and friends we had had our entire lives to make “new normals” for ourselves. This is a great memory from the summer after our senior year and before our first year of college. We went up to Cedar Point and spent the whole day being ride warriors until it suddenly started pouring rain! We ran through the entire park and got drenched! When it finally stopped raining there was a beautiful rainbow. To commemorate the day we took this picture.