

The idea for this comic came from a conversation I had with my dad on the phone on Wednesday morning. He said he was sad waking up after the Indian’s loss but he would be a lot more sad if he woke up next Wednesday morning he woke up and so and so had one the presidency. A lot of the American population did not support either presidential candidate and would be upset if either one of them won the presidency. I decided to chronicle the upsets in a week in the life of a Clevelander and then carry it on and generalize it to Americans.

3D Creation


I created this block O filled with pictures of my gameday experiences so far at Ohio State. When you view the object in 3D mode there are pictures covering the entire thing. I tried to create a custom block O shape and extrude it as a 3D object because I couldn’t find a font that I was completely satisfied with, but I wasn’t able to figure it out so I scratched that idea and just found the font that was closest to the signature block O. I then created a few collages of some of my favorite photos and manipulated them a lot to get them to fit right on the shape.