
Spanish Heritage in Louisiana

Leche Cake      Yesterday meaning Sunday March 9, some students and I traveled down to the Islenos Cultural Heritage Society festival, where we were able to experience several aspects of Louisiana that exist up north, focused primarily on Latin American Culture. The festival seemed of course regular as any other, rides for children, raffles, and things of purchase. However,one thing that struck out to me though was how the varying cultures seemed to blend, especially through food. One example of this was seen in some of the foods sold at the festival. I had the chance to try a piece of Tres Leche Cake (meaning “3 milks” in Spanish) which is a type of sponge cake soaked in evaporated condensed milk. This dish is well known in Latin American culture and was sold at the market. The Spanish influence is one that I feel is not often mentioned in Louisiana mostly because of the general population’s familiarity with the French and the Louisiana Purchase, but as I got a chance to hear a little bit about the background of Louisiana’s history from local residents that gave tours at the festival, I came to understand a little more about the history of those that settled in the state that came from areas as far as the Canary Islands. To say the least, I am beginning to understand that there is so much culture in the city of New Orleans that can be absorbed.