The Case for AAC

Children with autism and their families face many problems. Autism is a disability that makes it hard for people to recognize social cues and other behavioral cues. It impacts 3.5 million people in the United States. 1 Having autism makes it extra hard for children to communicate with their friends and family. You may know someone with autism. They are the same as you, they just have trouble sometimes with groups of people and communicating. They may do things that do not make sense to you but that is okay. They still like making friends and having fun though, it can just be harder for them.

There is technology out there that can help them and their families. Technology already helps many other people, so putting it to good use with these kids and their families is a no-brainer.2 This technology is a special kind of glasses that help the children better recognize social cues and manage their own behavior. These glasses help them communicate better with their friends and families. It lets them easily tell people what they are thinking and what they need. They are a special kind of glasses so they often will not let other people try them or use them. They are given to them by their doctor and must go through a special training on how to use them.

The picture is a picture of a younger kid with the special glasses. We can see he looks just like an average kid, he just wears a special kind of glasses. Unfortunately, these glasses cost a lot of money and they can be hard to get for some people. We are trying to work with families and children with autism to connect them to people who can help them get the glasses they need. We also want to help the kids and families learn how to use them. We hold demonstrations, learning workshops, and practice with the kids to help them learn how to use the glasses correctly. We want to make it easier for families to get these glasses.

Autism can be hard for everyone and it is not only kids who have the disability. We are focusing on children and their families and connecting them to the right people who can help. It can be hard for the parents too because it can be hard to understand what their child needs. Another part of the program will focus on helping the family work together better as a team. Their kid might need a little extra help here and there, so it is important to work together. With everyone’s help and participation, we can help these kids reach new heights!


  1. Liu R, Salisbury JP, Vahabzadeh A, Sahin NT. Feasibility of an Autism-Focused Augmented Reality Smartglasses System for Social Communication and Behavioral Coaching. Front Pediatr. 2017;5. doi:10.3389/fped.2017.00145

2.         Hirose M, Beverly EA, Weinger K. Quality of Life and Technology: Impact on Children and Families with Diabetes. Curr Diab Rep. 2012;12(6):711-720. doi:10.1007/s11892-012-0313-4

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