In May, Kawsay Ukhunchay faculty director Dr. Michelle Wibbelsman and kawsay waqaychaqkuna Amanda Tobin Ripley teamed up to present the pedagogies and values shared by the curator collective for the Ohio College Teaching Consortium. The virtual presentation, titled “Pukllay Pampa: Instructional Strategies for an Open Classroom” was recorded and is available to view here.
In the presentation, Michelle and Amanda have an informal conversation to model the kind of collaborative, non-hierarchical, play- and cariño (care)-based dynamics that are at the heart of Kawsay Ukhunchay. The pukllay pampa framework is a Quechua-inspired concept that could be translated as “a playing ground” of ideas and practices, and expresses the exploration, collaboration, joy, and creativity of our work together. Check it out, and share your thoughts with us in the comments!
And — Michelle, Amanda, and Anais Fernandez Castro (another kawsay waqaychaqkuna) will be expanding on these ideas and sharing at the annual Curriculum & Pedagogy Conference in State College, PA, in October. Stay tuned!