Team Minutes



Team Minutes

Lab day 01 (Hitchcock 224, @12:45)

Objective- Familiarize ourselves with AEV project goals, the company website, and how to use the Arduino to control the vehicle.

Attendees: All present

Tasks Completed-

  1. Alec opened Arduino sketchbook and worked on writing the code and uploading it to the AEV.
  2. Maxx initiated the starting point of our project and created the company’s website.
  3. The whole group works to troubleshoot hardware issues along with TA’s. Issues including no power output due to a broken Arduino.

Upcoming Tasks-

  1. Complete pre-lab assignment for next week.
  2. Complete the AEV kit policy and label documents
  3. Maxx will complete extra deliverables for the website.


Lab Meeting 2

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @12:45

Attendees: All present

Objective: Continue team development, role assignment. Additionally, learn the application of reflectance sensors and motors. Further explore MCR.



  1. Alec assigned as Lead Programmer, Maxx assigned as Lead Builder/Designer, Daniel assigned as Assistant, Ethan assigned as minute recorder and assistant.
  2. Maxx begins working on building AEV
    1. AEV built, sensors attached
  3. Alec begins coding the program for current activity
    1. Code finished along with reflectance sensor test
  4. Daniel and Ethan work on Team Working Agreement and Kit Policy/Checklist
    1. Policy and Checklist submitted by Daniel
    2. Team Working Agreement finished and uploaded to the website


Upcoming Tasks:

  • Complete Pre-Lab Assignments


Lab Meeting 3

Location: Hitchcock 308

Time: 12:40

Attendees: All present

Objective: Continue AEV development, reflectance sensor tests, explore Data Extraction Tool, and begin testing on tracks.



  1. Daniel S. reassembles AEV.
  2. Alec J. prepares and performs reflectance sensor test
    1. Began with failed test, fixed issue and sensors are working properly.
  3. Max prepares Data Extraction tool in MatLab
  4. Alec J. programs new test program for straight
  5. Program executes without flaw, Max B. performs Data Extraction.
    1. File exports to Excel correctly
  6. Team ran program on real straight track, AEV moved along the track as expected
  7. New Data extraction is run
    1. Confusion on plotting the imported data has arose, data was imported in a format that was unfamiliar to us.
    2. Problem is resolved through the help of GTA Ben Richetti
  8. Class and Meeting ends. Plans to finish graph production in future meetings.


Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Begin design of AEV
  2. Finish pre-assignments/quizzes
  3. Complete Pwer V Time Graphs


Lab Meeting 4

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @12:45

Attendees: All present

Objective: Concept screening and scoring of AEV designs. Discuss grant proposal and Progress proposal.


  1. Group design discussion
    1. Ideas for part design: battery holder, wheel arm, front hood
    2. Design Considerations: Weight distribution, total weight, power potential
    3. Where to place fans, in what orientation.
    4. Which base for design to use, T or angled wings
  2. One fan blade is bent (plan to replace later based on performance)
  3. Grant proposal part decided to be battery holder.
  4. Alec draws out group design on paper.
  5. Maxx begins solid works part for grant proposal.
  6. Group plans to meet Sunday, Time TBD for concept Screening and Scoring
  7. De assembled AEV for transport.
  8. Finalized group design drawing and clarified future plans

Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Create Program proposal slides
  2. Website Update
  3. Meet for Concept Screening and Scoring


Out-Of-Class Meeting

Location: Hitchcock 316

Time: Sunday Feb, 10 @ 4:00

Attendees: Ethan, Maxx, Daniel, Alec

Objectives: Continue and finish lab activity from Lab 4. Create presentation slide/slides for Grant Proposal. Begin work on Progress Report 1.



  1. Maxx creates Excel sheet from concept scoring and screening matrix.
    1. Design criteria decided to be weight, balance/distribution and aerodynamics
    2. Group discusses scores and places ratings in the matrix.
    3. Final two designs are Maxx’s and the Group design created during lab.
  2. Daniel starts creation of Progress Report.
    1. Daniel to be lead on Report creation
    2. Other members to take on assisting roles based on need in order to complete the report correctly and efficiently.
  3. Some design drawings missing in person, however the creator of the drawing provided honest review of their design in comparison for the purposes of scoring and screening.
  4. Alec begins work on Progress Report with Daniel, taking on the “Forward-Looking” element of the assignment.
  5. Ethan creates skeleton of proposal slide, needs final part drawing for completion.
  6. Maxx uploads necessary website deliverables for concept scoring and screening.
  7. Meeting ends @ 5:10


Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Continue work on Progress Report for before Lab on Wednesday.
  2. Review Pre-Lab content for Lab 5.
  3. Prepare for Grant Proposal for Lab 5.



Lab Meeting 6

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @12:45

Attendees: All present


Objective: Complete Committee Meeting 1, begin brainstorming for advanced R&D research. Group K doing Battery testing and reflectance sensor testing.



  1. Team begins brainstorming on Battery test procedure.
    1. Ethan/Maxx: Test how different power percentages affect battery capacity
    2. Maxx: Test how much battery capacity is used in a single run on the track.
    3. Ethan: Test single motor speed setting for set time interval, testing how distance drops off as voltage drops.
  2. Decide upon idea 3, testing how distance traveled over set time drops with decreasing battery voltage.
    1. Ethan Begins filling out detailed procedure for battery test
  3. Committee Meeting @ 1:35
    1. Ethan talked on schedule and staying on time
    2. Maxx: Talked about website organization
    3. Alec: Received a run-down on finances and 3-D printing costs
    4. Daniel: Talked about problems solved, and problems to be solved.
  4. Resume testing conditions for battery test, tested 50% power, 25% power, and settled on 35% power.



Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Begin explicit Battery Testing
  2. Begin Reflectance sensor test brainstorming


Lab Meeting 7

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @12:45

Attendees: All present


Objective: Continue Advanced R&D testing for Battery and Reflectance Sensors



  1. Team makes revisions to Battery test procedure, further defining goals
    1. Decided upon testing power depletion, power usage, and distance traveled beginning with a fully charge battery.
    2. Testing how battery voltage affects all power usage and distance traveled.
  2. Begins developing Reflectance Sensor Procedure
    1. Test whether slow is more accurate than fast
    2. Test accuracy difference when starting on mirror strip vs off of mirror strip.
  3. Group finishes up brainstorming for each test, consulting with GTA about refining testing procedures.

Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Begin and finish testing during Lab Meeting 8


Lab Meeting 8

Location: Hitchcock 308

Time: @12:40

Attendees: Maxx, Ethan, Daniel



  1. Complete as much of aR&D testing as possible



  1. AEV is assembled by Daniel
  2. Maxx prepares AEV Extraction tool
  3. Team speaks with TA about lack of time for testing, behind schedule due plan alteration.
  4. Team begins testing with Battery Procedure
    1. Clarification from instructional team, only Test 1 must be completed
  5. Team begins data analysis and compilation


Upcoming Goals:

  1. Begin Reflectance Sensor testing, continue data compilation for Progress Report.


Lab Meeting 9

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @12:40

Attendees: All present



  1. Begin Reflectance Sensor Testing


  1. Alec finishes code sequences for Reflectance Sensor Tests
  2. Team Finishes first Reflectance Sensor Test
  3. Begin working on second set of tests
    1. Ran into complications with inches to mark conversion
    2. Potentially seeing that our hypothesis is correct


Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Finish Reflectance Sensor Testing
  2. Begin working on Performance Test 1


Lab Meeting 10

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @12:45

Attendees: All present


  1. Finish Reflectance Sensor Testing
  2. Begin preparation for Performance Test 1


  1. Maxx explains some of his work on the data from Battery Testing, plans to speak with TA’s.
  2. Tea notices discrepancy in mark to inch conversion for AEV, appears to be going about double the distance it’s supposed to be
  3. Team also notices that magnet connector must be slightly higher, fixed the problem by flipping the metal piece that catches the magnet.
  4. Team Finishes Reflectance Sensor Tests, adjusts group based mark conversion to roughly 2 times the expected distance.
  5. Code sequences created based off of time and distance both created.
  6. Performance Test 1 practice goes well, both sets of code work effectively.

Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Test code for room 308 track, potential track differences.
  2. Continue with MCR deliverables for after Spring Break.


Lab Meeting 11

Location: Hitchcock 308

Time: @12:40

Attendees: All present


  1. Test code sequence for different room setting
  2. Complete Performance Test 1


  1. Using code sequence for room 224, AEV performs differently on the new track in room 308.
    1. Code is adjusted for the different room conditions.
  2. Testing and practice continues, improvements are seen, confidence in code sequence is high.
  3. Team L and K AEV’s are performing well, Team Q appears to have minor setbacks
  4. AEV performance test runs smoothly, AEV Extraction is performed as well.
  5. Team K assist Team Q with code problems.

Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Begin work on Progress Report 2
  2. Investigate code for Performance Test 2


Lab Meeting 12

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @ 12:40

Attendees: All present

Objectives: Begin preparation work for Performance Test 2


  1. Group retrieves 3D printed battery holder and places it on design.
  2. Group begins analysis of code, comparing different room situations and beginning code process.
    1. Group decides to test PT 1 code again to make sure it still works correctly
    2. Then modify the code to fulfill the new requirements.
  3. PT 1 code is modified slightly for current conditions, group begins distance calculations for second half of track run
  4. Group finishes preliminary code sequence for Room 224 PT 2, code is tested and satisfies current objectives for Performance Test.

Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Finish preparation for Oral presentations to other groups.
  2. Continue finishing touches on Performance Test 2 code


Lab Meeting 13

Location: Hitchcock 308

Time: @12:40

Attendees: All present

Objective: Continue development of Performance Test 2 for AEV


  1. Tea attempts to use downstairs code sequence in upstairs room, still doesn’t perform the same way.
  2. Upload upstairs code for testing, performs well besides hitting the caboose too hard
    1. Code is modified to be slower after the stop.
  3. Some problems with caboose connection are encountered

Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Finish up PT 2 code sequence
  2. Complete PT 2


Lab Meeting 14

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @12:40

Attendees: All present

Objectives: Complete performance test 2


  1. Team loads current code for room 224 practice run
  2. Code sequence is not working to previously observed standards
  3. Problem arises in final approach to caboose, either stopping too hard or coming in too fast.
    1. Problem is solved by reducing final brake power
  4. Performance test 2 is completed perfectly
  5. Data from test is extracted
    1. Discussion on figuring out the true mark conversions to completely convert codes to distance based movement.
    2. Measuring pros and cons of time to research.
  6. Work on CDR is begun
    1. Group splits workload for different sections

Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Continue work on CDR draft
  2. Prepare for Committee Meeting 2
  3. Continue development of design.


Lab Meeting 15

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @12:45

Attendees: All present


  1. Complete Committee Meeting 2
  2. Begin work in aR&D 3


  1. Group attempts to create full performance test code before continuing development
  2. Issue occurs with Performance test 2 code not working the same as the previous day, even in the same room.
  3. Group explores magnet connector problems
    1. Potential problem fix in loosening magnet connector for more flexibility
  4. AEV is revealed to not register backwards motion.
  5. Final run of the day is approaching good performance


Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Continue development of code
  2. Research potential servo connection
  3. Research AEV specific mark conversions


Lab Meeting 16

Location: Hitchcock 308

Time: @12:40

Attendees: All present


Objectives: Continue aR&D3


  1. Ethan proposes procedure for testing cost efficiency for different power percentages.
  2. Point of conflict, not all runs will be run in the same room.
    1. However all runs for a single power percentage will be run in the same room.
  3. Group Decides to complete the experiment in a piecewise manner. Creating the code sequence, then running the trials
  4. Team completes trials for 30% and 40%

Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Continue aR&D 3
  2. Continue prep for final performance test


Lab Meeting 17

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @12:40

Attendees: All present


  1. Finish aR&D 3
  2. Begin Progress Report
  3. Prepare for Oral Presentation


  1. Team prepares code for 50% power run.
  2. Code sequence requires some tweaking in order to achieve an accurate run.
  3. All 5 trials are run with the 50% code
  4. Group begins combining data for Progress Report
  5. Daniel begins initial work on Progress Report
  6. Group begins discussion on optimal power to use and projected run costs for final test.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. aR&D Oral Presentation
  2. Work on final Performance Test


Lab Meeting 18

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @12:45

Attendees: All present



  1. Complete code for final performance test.
  2. Begin work on Final Oral Presentation


  1. Team begins work on code to achieve a finished run.
    1. Changing break positions on return journey.
  2. After completed run, cost is evaluated from given time
    1. AEV comes in around $50,000 over budget.
  3. More code adjustments including a coast up hill
    1. Results in $8,000 reduction
  4. Final code appears to work consistently, next lab is in different room which will bring difficulties

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Finish refining code
  2. Turn in Final Presentation slide


Lab Meeting 19

Location: Hitchcock 308

Time: @12:40

Attendees: All present


  1. Continue updating website
  2. Continue work on CDR or Final Presentation


  1. Group decides to not test code given the different room conditions between 224 and 308.
  2. Maxx begins working on final update to website.
    1. Clarifies formatting with TA, Connor Winter
  3. Daniel begins updating the CDR
  4. Alec delivers aR&D3 and performance test codes to Maxx
  5. Team discusses which graphs to include in the final presentation.
    1. Whether to show aR&D findings or evolution of final performance test power usage.

Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Finish CDR and Final Presentation
  2. Check code on Performance Test days


Lab Meeting 20

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: 12:40

Attendees: All present



  1. Complete Final Performance Test
  2. Continue development of final poster


  1. Group tests final test code, fixes small braking problems at end of run
  2. Completes first run with 1 point deduction
  3. Group fixes code problem after instructor data extraction
    1. Only needed to re-upload code
  4. Group finishes 2nd performance test with a perfect score

Upcoming Tasks:

  1. Complete another final performance run
  2. Finish poster alterations given by Connor Winter


Lab Meeting 21

Location: Hitchcock 224

Time: @12:45

Attendees: All present


  1. Complete Final Performance Test
  2. Continue work on final deliverables


  1. Team complete third run for final performance test, small mark inconsistencies lead to a failed run.
    1. Final average gives aa 39.5 for all runs
  2. Maxx shows group final draft for poster
  3. Daniel disassembles the AEV for turn-in on Friday 4/12
  4. Group speaks with on clarification for poster rubric.
    1. Which point sections in the rubric need specific visuals on the poster vs simply needing to be talked about.
  5. Daniel, with some help from Ethan, begin to work on the CDR, hesitant to make large changes as the draft has not been graded yet.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Turn in Poster
  2. Continue work on CDR