celerate(m,p1,p2,t); -This command will set the speed of a given motor (m) from an initial percentage speed (p1) to a final percentage speed (p2) over a given span of time (t).
motorSpeed(m,p); -This command will set the speed of a motor (m) directly to the percentage speed desired (p) without any acceleration delay.
goFor(t); -This will create an effective pause for a given length of time in seconds (t) where the AEV will continue the last command given without changing its behavior.
brake(m); -This command will stop any motor (m).
reverse(m); -This will invert the inputs of a motor (m) so that any positive values for speed will be interpreted by the board as negative values.
goToRelativePosition(n); -This will continue the the last command given until the board senses that it has moved (n) units away from where it started the command.
goToAbsolutePosition(n); -This command continues the last command given until the board senses that it has reached an absolute position (n) units from the beginning of the program.