Final Performance Test & Results



Our final performance! In this final Performance Test, the AEV must complete a full run, acquire the caboose like it had in the second performance test, carry it back to the gate, and then return to the original dock without crashing.


Team L was able to get an average 49/50 score on the final performance test, which prooves the efficiency and consistency of our AEV design.


On the first test, the AEV used 248.349 Joules to complete the test in 61.262 seconds, and costed $453,755.06 to operate.

On the second test, the AEV used 255.2 Joules to complete the test in 67.143 seconds, and costed $443,314.50 to operate.


Overall, this allowed us to remain under our budget of $500,000 and allowed us to successfully carry out our mission of simplicity and efficiency!