Morgan County 4-H Fashion Board gets underway for 2021 on 1/26/21 via a Zoom meeting. If you have members in your 4-H club that want to learn about the textile and clothing projects and/or want to learn some sewing skills Fashion board might be of interest to them. The only requirement to be on Fashion Board is that you are a current 4-H member that wants to learn more about sewing.
Our first meeting will be virtual via Zoom on 1/26/21 from 6-7 pm.
Here is the information to join the meeting.
Topic: 4-H Fashion Board meetings
Time: 1/26/21 6-7 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 989 1277 1380
Password: 841967
Or call in by Dialing
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 989 1277 1380
Password: 841967