Update on 4-H Camp Dates

Due to a confustion with the calendar there is a change to the 4-H Camp dates for 2024. Please make note of the change.

Campers will arrive at camp Sunday, July 7, 2024 between 10-11 AM with an optional late arrival between 1-1:30 PM for those with a church or family commitment. Campers will leave on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 between 3:30-4:30 PM.

We apologize for the change.

Camp registration will be available by May 15th. 4-H members eligible will receive a postcard and there will be blog announcing the availability of registration packets. Due to the minimal number of camp counselor/CITS space will be limited. It is recommended that families register early and make a deposit. Deadline to register is June 7th or when spaces are filled.