Our first Cloverbud STEM Day was a success!! It was a great way to kick off our 4-H year and get the kids excited. The Jr. Leaders came up with 5 different STEM related activities for the Cloverbuds to do. The theme of this STEM Day was Easter so all 5 of the activities were Easter related. The picture collage shows the Cloverbuds engaging with the Jr. Leaders and Older Youth in Training at each of the 5 different stations. One of the stations was an egg drop where the kids built different enclosures around their eggs and dropped them in hopes that their egg would not break. Another station was an egg tie dye where each Cloverbud used shaving cream and food coloring to dye their eggs(they all turned out very neat). We had a salt dough ornament station where each of the kids were able to create at least one salt dough ornament by using Easter themed cookie cutters to shape their ornaments. One of our messier stations was elephant toothpaste where each Cloverbud was able to pick which color they would like their elephant toothpaste to be. The final station was the egg rocket/density experiment where the kids were able to see egg rockets explode and experiment with eggs and various weighted items to see if they would sink or float in water. The Jr. Leaders led the activities and the Older Youth in Training were groups leaders that led the Cloverbuds around to each of there stations. Our next Cloverbud STEM Day will be held on June 7th, so if you were unable to attend this time you still have an opportunity to check it out! Thank you to everyone who came out and to the Jr. Leaders and Older Youth in Training that made this event possible. We look forward to our next event!