Junior Fair Building 4-H Project Exhibits

What is needed in the Junior Fair Building to exhibit your 4-H project for 2020?  A poster no larger than ½-sheet of poster board.  The poster needs to be educational.  It could include terms learned while completing the project, tools needed and what they are used for, pictures of activities completed from the project book explaining the pictures and activities.  A picture of the 4-H member with the completed project whether that is a garment for a clothing project, a toolbox for woodworking, or a picture of breeding or market animal if not shown at the fair is not an educational poster.

In 2020, we will not be exhibiting any completed projects — only posters — due to challenges created by the coronavirus.  The Junior Fair building will be set up Friday, September 4th at 4:30 pm.  4-H members and parents are to put up their own posters by noon on Tuesday, September 8th.

4-H members eligible to exhibit their non-livestock projects in the Junior Fair Building either attended project judging on July 21st or turned in their projects by July 31st to the Extension Office.