2020 Livestock Skillathons

The Morgan County Junior Fair Skillathons will take place on Saturday, August 22nd at the Morgan County Fairgrounds. All market livestock exhibitors will need to bring their completed project books and knowledge of their livestock project. Age divisions for skillathon are as follows (your age as of January 1): Junior 8-11, Intermediate 12-14, and Senior 15+

Study guides are available on our county website: https://morgan.osu.edu/program-areas/4-h-youth-development/morgan-county-fair or by request per club. Please notify your club advisor which species you need and how many. We will try to coordinate with advisors to arrange a pick up at the office. Remember the OSU Extension office is still operating on a limited schedule, and most of the staff is working from home.

Study guides state what is expected at each of the three stations. Make sure to have a species resource handbook in order to study for the skillathon.

If you have any questions, please call the office at 740-962-4854 or email Lydia Flores at flores.191@osu.edu