Market Livestock Tag-in

Due to the current global pandemic and decisions made by the Morgan County Agricultural Society (Senior Fair Board), June tag-in has been postponed. However, for exhibitors to meet possession requirements, the respected youth organization leaders (4-H or FFA) will supply exhibitors with animal identification forms. Animal identification forms are one species per family, for example, if a family has youth that show beef and swine; the family will need one form for beef and one form for swine.

Animal identification forms are to be completed, signed by the members and their parent/guardian, and sent to the OSU Extension office via email or mail, along with photos of the animals listed on the forms, by June 13, 2020.

We are currently working on the animal identification forms and a letter to be sent out to each family. Also enclosed will be the 2020 Morgan County Junior Fair Livestock Requirements. Members and families must review and follow the castration and dehorning requirements as they are written.

Thank you all for your patience during this time of uncertainty and change. The safety of our community is our top priority. We will share updates as more information becomes available. If you have any questions, please contact the OSU Extension office at 740-962-4854 or email Lydia Flores at