Plan now to enjoy the 2017 Fairfield County 4-H Endowment Dinner on June 22, at the home of Karl and Judith Grube. The Grubes moved to their farm home at 1225 Canal Rd, Baltimore, in 1962. They’ve raised 3 children – Karyl, Joyce, and Greg – on the farm, and all three were members of Thurston Future Farmers 4-H Club and showed hogs at the fair for each of their 10 years in 4-H. The girls were also members of 4-H sewing clubs and participated in the Jr. Fair Queen program. Greg was named Outstanding 4-H Member in 1986.
In addition Greg has been a 4-H advisor of Thurston Future Farmers 4-H Club for 27 years, and his wife Dawn has been a 4-H leader for 15 years as the Cloverbud Advisor for the Thurston Future Farmers 4-H Club. Their two daughters, Jane and Misha, also took swine projects while participating in 4-H. Dawn currently serves on the Extension Advisory Committee and is a member of the 4-H Endowment Board. Greg is the Superintendent of the Jr. Hog show at the fair and a member of the Sale Committee.
Over the years the Grubes have enjoyed hosting many tours at their farm, and also welcomed their fellow members of Faith Lutheran Church in Baltimore for outdoor worship services and dinners.
Greg and Karl farm together, raising corn and soybeans. Greg also enjoys restoring antique Case farm tractors in his spare time. Many of these tractors will be on display to enjoy during the 4-H Legacy event.
The Grubes are excited and look forward to serving as your host for this year’s Fairfield County 4-H Legacy Dinner. Tickets remain available for the event and the details and order form can be found linked here.
As always, you can plan to enjoy a delicious pork, beef and lamb dinner with all of the trimmings!!!