This week at the 2016 Fairfield County Fair many 4-H and FFA students are concluding a year of work with a variety of projects. For my family, it has been a week of roller coaster of emotions, our first grandchild with a steer project and our son’s completing his 10 year 4-H career with market steers bred, born and raised on our farm. Am I proud? You bet!!
But as I’ve watched youth walk thru the AGmazing Agri-Center viewing their FFA projects in a beautiful new setting, heard the laughter and good fun being shared at the 4-H Endowment Awareness Breakfast, or listened to the accomplishments of the 2016 Outstanding 4-Her’s, I realized we all can make a difference. Each of us have the ability to Leave a Legacy, whether we share our time and talent as a 4-H advisor, serve as a parent volunteer or give back financially.
This is the time to make a difference in the life a young person. I encourage you to reflect on what you can do. Can I sponsor an award? Can I be a volunteer? Can I make a donation? Can I support the Jr. Fair Auction? Whatever the answer…look around all of the barns at the Fair, check out the 4-H display barn , visit the AGmazing Agri-Center. Learn more about the 4-H Endowment, or pick up a brochure to become a Master Gardener, consider volunteering with Farm Bureau. Take a minute to reflect on the 4-H Motto…”To Make The Best Better” or the FFA Motto… ”Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve”. You never know what a difference you can make in the shaping the lives of our youth….our future leaders!!
Congratulations to all of our 4-H and FFA students on the completion of your project work….and a very special congratulations to our Outstanding 4-Her’s of 2016…It is rewarding to know funds generated by the Fairfield County 4-H Endowment might just have sponsored a trip or an educational opportunity for each of you…JOB WELL DONE!!!