4-H Open House/Project Fair/Clvoerbud Event

We will be conducting our 4-H Open House/Project Fair/Cloverbud Event this Saturday, March 4 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  This is event is a trifecta.  It is an open house to attract new members and families to learn more about the Knox County 4-H program.  We will have all of the project books on display for members that are already a part of our program, to look through and try to find a new topic to explore on their journey this year.  And if you know of new members that are going to be Cloverbuds or have current Cloverbuds, Lindsey will be doing a make and take activity on pin wheels with them that morning.

We are still looking for:

  • Clubs to set up displays to attract new families to join 4-H.
  • Members to set up project displays so members and families can interact with them to learn more about what goes into a 4-H project.

Please reach out if you would like more information or would like to commit to set up on Saturday.

2023 4-H Open House

4-H Awards Night – Take 2!

Let’s try again! We want to recognize our amazing Knox County 4-H members, Cloverbuds, and advisors for the awesome effort they put into our program! Please join us November 10, 2022 from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center for an awards presentation of top projects, Cloverbud Graduation, membership recognition awards, and advisor appreciation gifts. Light desserts will be provided but please feel free to bring something to share! Dress is casual and family is welcome. Please RSVP to the OSU Extension Office by Nov 8.

We hope to see you Nov 10!

Flyer: Award night Take 2


2021 4-H Cloverbot Challenge

This year we’re going to space and the challenge happens on Mars! Cloverbuds will design a place to live on the Red Planet and create a model featuring their method of transportation. The 4-H Clvoerbot Challenge will be virtual via Zoom on Monday, July 12 or Thursday, July 22 from 6:30-8 p.m. All teams must register by June 30 and new teams can order a kit to help them get started at a reduced rate thanks to support from the Ohio 4-H Foundation.

Flyer: 2021 Cloverbot Challenge

What is the Cloverbot Challenge?

The Ohio 4-H Cloverbot Challenge gives 4-H Cloverbuds the opportunity to work cooperatively in teams to problem-solve using STEM (science, engineering, technology and math) skills. A new theme is selected each year and teams  research a topic, build a working model of their solution to the Challenge issue and create a poster to illustrate their findings. Teams present their models and findings to a team of reviewers, learn about other Cloverbuds’ projects, participate in age-appropriate STEM activities and are recognized at a closing celebration.

2021 Knox County 4-H Cloverbud Activities Calendar

The Cloverbud Saturday events free, fun, and educational.  They are for ALL youth ages 5 to 8 years old. You do NOT have to be a Cloverbud in Knox County to attend. Please RSVP the Thursday prior to the scheduled event to mcelroy.193@osu.edu.

February 13: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
March 13: 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
April 17: 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
May 15: 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
June 17:  Cloverbud Day Camp – 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
July 17: 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Location is at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center located at 700 Perimeter Drive.  It is adjacent to the Knox County Fairgrounds.

Flyer: 2021_Cloverbud_Saturday_covidupdate

Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Blog

The Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Connections is a blog format.  You can subscribe to it just like you do for our Knox County 4-H blog.  There is a lot of great information that is shared:

Please visit http://u.osu.edu/cloverbudconnections/ to subscribe.  Lots of great information to start planning for 2021.