2020 Hartford Fair Information

From the Licking County OSU Extension Office:

I’m happy to let you know that the essentials that you need, in order to complete your fair entries, are now posted to the Hartford Fair website! It’s time to get to work on those 2020 Hartford Fair entry forms, as they are to be submitted to the Fair Office by no later than June 27th. We ask that you maintain contact with your 4-H Club Advisor, as they will have additional details for you, and will have a date by which they need to receive your entries… Your 4-H Club Advisor will then schedule an appointment with Beth Rowley at the Fair Office (that must take place prior to June 27th @ 5:00 p.m.), in order to submit all entries from their club together. Club appointments are being strongly encouraged as a way to reduce the number of people delivering entries to the fair office over the coming days.

Keep in mind that entries can be submitted in person, by mail, dropped off to the Fair Office’s drop slot in the door, or by email (with prior approval, and credit card payment). Should you need to schedule an appointment or make special arrangements, please feel free to reach out Beth Rowley at the Fair Office by emailing browley@hartfordfair.com, or calling 740.893.4881.

You will want to visit the Hartford Fair website: www.hartfordfair.com.

Once on the website, please use the “FORMS” tab for find all the materials that you need for entries. You will find several items there that will be of importance… (see graphic below for reference)

  • 2020 Junior Fair Entry Forms: Please be aware that there are different entry form for different projects…
    • Junior Fair NON-MARKET LIVESTOCK Entry: Dairy, Breeding Beef, Breeding Sheep, Non-Market Goats, Horse & Pony, Dog, Non-Market Poultry, Non-Market Rabbits, and Llama/Alpaca.
    • Junior Fair MARKET LIVERSTOCK Entry: Market Beef, Dairy Feeder, Steer Pool, Market Hog, Market Lamb, Market Goat, Meat Poultry and Meat Rabbits.
    • Junior Fair EQUINE Entry: Entry to specify classes, must also be accompanied by a NON-MARKET LIVESTOCK Entry form. A separate form must be submitted for each horse / pony.
    • Junior Fair STILL PROJECT Entry: This is used for any non-livestock 4-H entry (clothing, foods, and special interest projects) that will be on display within the 4-H Center throughout the fair. (Note: Also used for Scout, FFA and Industrial Arts projects.) 4-H members are encouraged to speak with their club advisor when completing this form, to determine if their club is doing a booth – or the entry will be as an individual.
    • Junior Fair BOOTH Entry: This form is used by 4-H Club Advisors who wish to have a Club Booth in the 4-H Center during the fair.
  • 2020 Junior Fair Entry Information (under header 2020 Entry Purposes ONLY)…
    • This is the Junior Fair section of the Premium Book, with scheduling details removed. This will have all the information needed (department, class, lot, etc.) in order to complete entry forms for Junior Fair entries.
  • If you are planning to submit Open Class Entries…
    • Please realize that the Open Class Livestock Form, and 2020 Open Class Entry Information (Premium Book materials, with scheduling details removed), are also posted on the Hartford Fair FORMS page. Open class entries are also due June 27th.


  • Please be sure that entry forms are COMPLETE and ACCURATE – including all SIGNATURES.
  • You are encouraged to KEEP A COPY for your own records.
  • Complete a separate form for EACH DEPARTMENT – no entry form can have more than one department’s entries listed… Think of this way: when the forms are processed, they are separated in to stacks, by DEPARTMENT. If you have Market Steer and Dairy Feeder entries, they use the same document, but they must be submitted on two different copies of the form – as they will be in two different stacks for processing. With that said, if you have four Dairy Feeders to enter, they can all be on the same form, as they are all in the same department.
  • The Junior Fair entry fee is $3 per 4-H or FFA member, per club/chapter. If they submit entries from only one 4-H club, the fee is $3. If they submit entries from a 4-H club and an FFA chapter, the fee would be $6 total.
  • Sometime around July 10th, the Fair Office will distribute by mail a VERIFICATION FORM to each individual submitting an entry. Be watching for that verification, and check over it carefully. You will have until July 18th to make corrections. If you don’t receive the verification form by July 15th or 16th, be sure to reach out to the Fair Office to ask for details – as it could have been lost in the mail, or there has been a mistake in your address. You only have until July 18th to make changes…
  • Between June 28th and July 18th, late entries can be submitted, or changes in entries can be made. There is a $10 charge for late entries, per entry, but it provides you with option in case you forget something…
  • If you’re address has changed since 4-H enrollment in the spring, please contact Adrienne Anderson (anderson.1410@osu.edu) with changes… The Fair Office uses the address in your official enrollment file for verification forms and fair checks, and will not make address changes for you – that must be done through contacting Adrienne.
  • You will find that these is no Dorm Application included in entry materials in 2020. The dorms are no longer available as an overnight option to exhibitors…

As always, please be sure to contact us should you have questions…

Yours in 4-H,



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