Hartford Market Steer/Heifer Weigh-In

TO:                  Potential 2018 Hartford Junior Fair Market Steer / Heifer Exhibitors

FROM:             Lisa D. McCutcheon, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development


All steers and heifers (including Delaware, Knox & Licking Counties) that may be exhibited during the 2018 Hartford Junior Fair Market Steer & Heifer show must be marked by ear tag and tattoo on SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 2018, at the Hartford fairgrounds (Grubb Arena – West End / Enter Gate C) between 9 a.m. and noon. Up to four (4) steers or heifers can be tagged for the Hartford Fair per exhibitor.

SPECIAL NOTE: We would encourage exhibitors and their families to be aware that we are utilizing a new scale location this year (Grubb Arena – West End), and we ask that you be attentive to the new traffic pattern and unloading/loading procedures. As always, we ask that steers be haltered and broke to lead, for the safety of all involved.

Tagging fee is $1.00 per tagged animal. Exhibitors must complete a registration card for each animal, which requires the exhibitor’s signature. If the exhibitor will be unable to attend weigh-in procedures, please stop by the Licking County Extension Office and pick up the registration card(s) to be signed by exhibitor in advance.

Questions? Give us a call at 740-670-5315. In case of inclement weather conditions, listen to WCLT-AM, WHTH-AM, or visit www.licking.osu.edu for an announcement. Announcement will also be made on the Hartford Fair and Licking County 4-H Facebook pages. Make-up date, if necessary, will be Saturday, January 27, 2018.

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