4-H’s Trip to The Jewish Boys’ Day Camp

Many times day camps will request 4-H to come out and do an activity for the afternoon. On July 28, 2015, 4-H Agriscience in the City sent its two student workers to the Cincinnati Hebrew Day School to teach Rockets Away to a Jewish Camp’s boy division. With about 50 boys, there was plenty of excitement in the air when 4-H arrived right after the boys’ lunch break. The boys broke into three groups and each one was supposed have 40 minutes to build rockets. The lesson began in the gym with some general information about rockets and what the difference is between the rockets the boys were building and real rockets. Where the program got a little out of hand was when each boy tried to build a rocket. It is not easy to build one of these rockets, so to try and give directions was somewhat challenging. Eventually, many rockets lost their wings before even being launched. Once launching commenced, the boys’ screams of excitement made all the work getting the rockets built worth it. The first group took so long that only one other group got to build and launch rockets. In the second group, pairs of campers built a rocket which made building rockets and launching them a much more manageable. The boys really enjoyed the program, so much so that the director of the boys division said he would reach out again to 4-H to try and get them to come back to the camp this summer.

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