The book “Becoming a Writing Researcher” by Blakeslee and Fleischer provides us with the opportunity to acquire a fresh approach to writing. Despite the fact that this style is different from the most common MLA or APA prepared papers, it nonetheless assists us in writing in a manner that is profoundly logical. Write the findings of the study in the following order: introduction, outline, proposal, methods, results, and discussions. This will allow us to organize the findings appropriately. In the end, this assists us in correctly identifying the problem and the argument that we are arguing about. There is also the possibility of organizing the results of our investigation, which will finally assist us in analyzing what they imply and how we feel about them. It is not because the material is not available on the internet that we are unable to locate it at times; rather, it is because our search tactics are not very successful. For example, if you are looking for a publication that is more scholarly, you should search for it on Google Scholar. If you are looking for a specific piece of information, you should go to the homepage that is connected to data. Additionally, this style of writing is perfect for presenting presentations because it is so concise.
Throughout my previous presentations, I regularly provided ideas, arguments, and outcomes that were unclear to me because I lacked both direction and focus. In the event that I desired to utilize Ikea as an illustration to demonstrate the concept of sustainability, for instance, it would be pretty simple for me to change the focus of my project from sustainability to the history of the company. Because this was the most significant mistake I made in my “eco-friendly product review #1” project, it is not surprising that my mark was lower than it should have been. On the other side, when I gave the presentation for the final project, I was quite clear in the reasoning that I was using. I brought attention to a number of problems that needed to be investigated, and I went through a number of different approaches in order to discover answers to each of those problems. Your viewers will have an easier and more apparent time understanding your point of view.