


In our project, the disposal part refers to how to get rid of the waste perfume without harming our environment and health in an appropriate way.



Now we will talk about the recycle of perfume. As we searched online, a lot of people do not have knowledge for how to disposal perfume when it is expired the limit date or people just do not like it anymore. Most of people just pour it into the wastewater system. Our group want tell everyone do not do that! Because it will causes heavy pollution to our eco-system. As we mentioned before, most perfume contains synthetics musk, which have been used for a long time in personal care and household products. According to Journal of Environmental Management, in recent years, this continuous input of synthetic musk has increased considerably, to the point that it was recognized as emerging pollutants by the scientific community, due to its persistence in the environment, and hazardous potential to ecosystems even at low concentrations.

Except synthetic musk, due to the high alcohol content, perfume is highly flammable.

Now we realized how much damage it could do to our environment. How should we dispose the wasted perfume in order to protect our environment? We provide multiple ways to solve this problem. First of all, in our suggestion, people could take the old perfume to a hazardous waste plant for disposal. Also, some stores accept old perfume for recycling. So do not be afraid to ask the shop assistant if they accept the old perfume for recycling, you are protecting our planet.

In addition, the MXI Environmental Services “helps companies manage recycling of their manufacturing waste streams and unsalable packaged goods in a way that is highly cost effective for them and beneficial to the environment.” They recycle energy-containing products into renewable fuels. They “perform fragrance recycling, perfume recycling and cosmetic recycling for various companies associated with the Health and Beauty Industry.” It is very convenient to protect our environment, just visit their website and call them.

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