Description: This is my professional topic page, which is about the methods for dealing with depression. it is necessary because I find depression is very common among us. sometimes, depression is also not been discovered but the consequence of depression is serious and should be take into account. Thus, to study depression is an interesting topic for me and by this way, I can acquire more mays to help others.
Here is the article about the symptoms, and dealing methods for depression especially for freshmen because freshmen entering into their college life and a lot of things they didn’t experience before would guide them in a wrong way. So, to let hem know the symptoms and dealing method towards depression is necessary which enables them to have a precaution.
the article can be found at
reference: Dyson, R. and Renk, K. (2006), Freshmen adaptation to university life: Depressive symptoms, stress, and coping. J. Clin. Psychol., 62: 1231-1244. doi:10.1002/jclp.20295
5w of the source:
when: June 2006
where: journal of clinical psychology
what: this article talks about some ways to recognize the symptoms of depression and mention some common methods for students to deal with.
who: Racheal Dyson, Kimberly Renk
why: the article mainly give a way to help college students, especially freshman, with strategies to deal with depression and let them know the serious outcome of being depression, which keep them a better mental life.
Here is a book about coping depression:
‘The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression Without Drugs ‘
who: Stephen S. Ilardi
when June 2010
why: the author aims to give the readers who are suffering the depression the most natural way to defeat depression.
what: the book is all about 6 component for coping depression:Brain Food Don’t Think, Do Antidepressant Exercise Let There Be Light Get Connected Habits of Healthy Sleep.
where: just online
more visually, here is a video about copying depression:
when: June 2015
why: this video talks about methods that we can use to help people with depression.
what: mainly talks about the reason of being depression and the attitude we should look at depression. and some ways to help others fighting depression.
who: a psychologist from psych2go( YouTuber )
where: youtube
Here is an formal website about depression:
who: Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER)
what: it is very comprehensive, which include all dimensions information about depression. such as, symptoms, how to ask for help.
why: setting up for people with mental illness
when: since 1998
where: online official website.
Here is an academic journal about depression.
Coyne, J. C., Aldwin, C., & Lazarus, R. S. (1981). Depression and coping in stressful episodes. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 90(5), 439–447.
when: 1981
who: Aldwin, Lazarus.
what: in this journal, the authors mainly studied the different episode in depression and give their symptoms and coping strategies of it.
why: because at that time, the medical level is not as high as today’s, which is hard to recognize the depression between people. so, the author made an experience to find the difference between non-depression man and depression man in a same circumstance.
where: Journal of Abnormal Psychology