Weekly 4-H Update: May 21, 2014

Dear 4-H Youth, Parents, and Volunteers:

Welcome to the Wayne County 4-H News and Notes.  This is a weekly e-mail update that our office will be sending throughout the year to keep everyone connected with Wayne County 4-H.  We will be sharing news and information about upcoming events and reminders about important deadlines.  Additionally, our office may from time to time send special messages to certain groups such as all members taking a specific project or all volunteers.  However, these messages are not necessarily 100% comprehensive of everything going on in 4-H.  In other words it is still your responsibility to know what the requirements, rules, and deadlines are for 4-H projects and activities you’re involved with.  These rules and deadlines are published in places like the Extension Office website, Jr. Fair Book, Link Newsletter, Project Guidelines, Project Books, etc.

Later this year we will send you a short web-based survey to evaluate if you find these messages helpful and if weekly is the right frequency.  In the meantime, thank you for providing us your e-mail address when you enrolled in 4-H this year and please send any comments or feedback you have on these messages to 4-H Educator Doug Foxx at foxx.2@osu.edu.

Please understand our goal is not overwhelm you with information, but simply to help keep you informed.  Most of the stories listed in these e-mail updates will be linked to stories on our Wayne County Extension Office Website or our new Wayne County 4-H Blog.  You can also stay connected with Wayne County 4-H on Facebook.

Listed below are the Wayne County 4-H News and Notes Updates for this week – simply click on the headlines to view the story:

Campers Wanted Alive: 2014 Junior Camp Registration is Now Open

Dog Massage Clinic to be held May 29, 2014

Important Dog Clinic Updates and Guidlines

Join the Wayne County 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Team

Reminder: Several Important Horse Forms Due June 1st


One thought on “Weekly 4-H Update: May 21, 2014

  1. My daughter is new to showing and I wanted to make sure we are going to the right things. She is showing a Sr kid goat. She is registered so we don’t need to tag. Right? Do we have to go to the goat tag day which is June 7? Not sure if that is right. I know I wrote down all the dates at the beginning of the year so if they have changed I don’t know. I also have a goat clinic scheduled for June 21st. Then the skill-a-thons on July 17th or 22nd. Is all that correct? Thanks.

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