Accepting Applications for 2019 National 4-H Conference Center Program Assistants

Do you know a college student who has a passion for government, history, political science, education, public speaking, or leadership? National 4-H is looking for individuals with a passion for working with young people. If this brings someone to mind, please encourage them to apply for the position of Program Assistant (PA) at the National 4-H Conference Center! Our PA’s impact the lives of thousands of students from all over the United States.Program Assistants:

  • Facilitate interactive learning with youth from all over the country in Washington, D.C.
  • Develop and refine teamwork skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in a fast-paced and fun environment
  • Become licensed D.C. tour guides

Live on campus and receive a bi-weekly stipend. Contact Zach Hall at

4-H Camp Hervida Needs Help at Lowell Octoberfest

On October 6 & 7 the Hervida Board will selling:  Soup Beans, Corn Bread, Ham sandwiches, Chicken Sandwiches, Cake, Lemonade, Coffee, & Water.  They will be selling out of Thea Cochran’s Hot Dog Cart.  Three people inside is the max that will work.  It will be two days from 8AM till 6PM.  Please let Jane Lennox know if you can come work. 740-568-8044 or

Saturday, October 6

8-10 (1person)

8-11 (2 people)

10-1 (1 pr)

11-2 (2pr)

1-4 (1 pr)

2-4 (2 pr)

4-6 (3pr)


Sunday, October 7

8-10 (2 pr)

8-11 (1pr)

10-1 (2 pr)

11-2 (1 pr)

1-4 (2 pr)

2-5 (1 pr)

4-6 (3 pr)

Bull’s-Eye Shooting Sports 4-H Club Starting October 7 for Fall Session


Check out the flyer about the upcoming 4-H Shooting Sports session! For youth ages 9 – 19!  The flyer contains meeting dates, times and discipline descriptions.  The cost of the program is $5.00 for dues and eye protection. (For health reasons, each participant will be assigned safety glasses.) The $5 is collected at the time enrollment forms are turned in which will be available at the first meeting and are also at

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  More adult volunteers are needed! Let one of the current volunteer instructors know you’re interested in helping so we can discuss how you’d like to assist. If you’ll be attending with your child, why not have something to do while you wait! We’re in need of archery, muzzleloader, living history, rifle, and pistol instructors and a coordinator for roster management. Assistance with any of the other disciplines would be welcomed too. Your consideration would be greatly appreciated!

If you have any questions, please call Erica Baker at 740-818-8184 or myself at 740-525-4980 or 740-473-1373. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Bull’s-Eye 4-H Club Flyer-1zky4gv

Barlow Fair Schedule

Wednesday, September 26

2:00-8:00pm     Jr. Fair Rabbits & Poultry can be checked in, must be finalized by 9pm.

12:00-8:00pm          Put in 4-H Booth Displays

4:00-5:00PM           Dairy Goat Weigh-in

5:00-8:00pm            Duck & Feeder Calf Weigh-in

9:00pm   All rabbits, poultry & feeders in place

 Thursday, September 27

8:00am Gates Open

12:00pm 4-H Booth Judging

12:00pm Jr. Fair sheep, goat and dairy must be in place

6:00 pm Jr. Fair Showmanship – Dairy / Beef Breeding & Open Dairy / Beef Shows

Friday, September 28

8:00am Gates Open

9:00am Jr. Fair Poultry Showmanship (senior division will show first) Jr. Fair & Open Poultry Show (immediately following showmanship)

4:00pm Junior Market Dairy Goat Show (Showmanship will show first)

6:00pm Parade

8:00pm Jr. Fair Showmanship’s & Open Sheep/Goat Show

Saturday, September 29

8:00am Gates Open

8:00am Feeder Calf Show Market Classes (heifers show first) Feeder Calf Showmanship to Follow (senior division shows first)

10:00am Jr. Fair Rabbit Showmanship and Jr. & Open Rabbit Show (immediately following showmanship)

4:30pm Buyer Appreciation Reception

5:00pm Presentation of Skillathon & Poster Awards

5:30pm Jr. Fair Market Livestock Sale – Order: Market Dairy Goat, Feeder Calf Heifers, Feeder Calf Steers, Market Ducks

Sunday, September 30

8:00am Gates Open

9:00AM Open Horse Show

1:30pm Animal Beauty Contest

4:00pm Begin removing exhibits

6:00pm All entries must be removed


More Information at:


Barlow Fair Activities

Animal Beauty Contest

On Sunday, September 30 at 1:30 pm there will be an animal beauty contest. This event is open to all Barlow Fair Exhibitors. Categories include: Best Twinning with Your Animal, Best Talent, Best Hair, Most Adorable, and Best Dressed. Entry forms will be available at the fair.

Barlow Jr. Fair Livestock Sale

Saturday, September 29 at 5:30 p.m.

Sale Order: , Market Dairy Goats, Feeder Heifers, Feeder Calf Steers, Market Ducks


Barlow 4-H Booths & Trash Can Contest

Barlow 4-H Club Booths

  • Judging – All 4-H Club Booths will be judged on Thursday afternoon.
  • Exhibit Areas – Two types of exhibit areas are available for 4-H Clubs to choose from: 8′ x 4′ Booths (with electricity) and 8′ x 2′ Booths (without electricity). NOTE: All booths have white pegboard walls.
  • Booth Set-up and Tear Down: Booth set-up will be Wednesday before the Barlow Fair from Noon to 8:00 pm All clubs must complete their decorating and have their displays in place by Wednesday at 8:00 pm. Booth tear down will be Sunday of the Barlow Fair starting at 4:00 pm Barlow Fair Board and/or the OSU Extension Office are not responsible for exhibits left after 6:00 pm

Trash Can Painting Contest

Trash cans should include your group’s name and the year 2018. Trash cans will be judged on creativity, neatness, and overall appearance. This contest is open to all 4-H Clubs, FFA and FCCLA Chapters, and Girl Scout and Boy Scout Troops.

Barlow Independent Fair:  Go to the Barlow Fairgrounds and pick up a trash can in the horse barn.  Painted cans should be dropped off at the Jr. Fair Building on September 26 by 8:00 pm with the completed entry form. Barlow Trash Can Contest form-2mh210r

Now on Sale – 2018 Washington County Plat Book

The new 2018 edition of the Washington County Plat Book is now available for purchase at the Washington County Extension office 202 Davis Avenue in Marietta. Premium wall maps are also available.  Traditional landownership maps by township and range, a landowner index for easy cross referencing, and other county information are all available in the new edition. This book features the new enhanced LiDAR aerial view maps opposite the landownership map pages, which is the 3D effect showing the actual topography of the land. Visit for digital versions of Washington County landowner maps. The books sell for $30 as a fundraiser of the Washington County 4-H Advisory Committee. Mapping Solutions is the publisher.

Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch

Help us celebrate National Farm to School Month by crunching into locally grown apples.  4-H clubs are encouraged to purchase or take a field trip to a local apple orchard to learn more about where our local produce is grown.  Last October 1,543,781 schools, hospitals, colleges, state agencies and other organizations crunched into apples.  This year Ohio is trying to beat that record.  4-H clubs can post their apple crunching to the Apple Crunch Facebook page to be counted.  Or you can also register at  Thursday, October 11 at NOON is the collective crunch event known as the 2018 Great Lakes Apple Crunch.  Please let us know about your crunch events so we can post to our facebook page as well.

Barlow Fair Livestock Sale

The Barlow Fair Livestock Sale is scheduled for Saturday September 29 at 5:30pm.  The sale order is  Market Dairy Goats, Feeder Calf Heifers, & Feeder Calf Steers, Ducks.  There will also be a pie and cake auction prior to the start of the livestock sale as well as poster and skillathon winner announcements.  Buyers reception is scheduled for 4:30.