The Ohio State University



J. Wainwright and G. Mann. Forthcoming. Climate Leviathan: Toward a Political Theory of our Planetary Future. New York: Verso.

J. Wainwright. 2012. Geopiracy: Oaxaca, Militant Empiricism, and Geographical Thought. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

J. Wainwright. 2008. Decolonizing Development: Colonial Power and the Maya. Oxford: Blackwell.

Journal articles

S-O. Lee, J. Glassman, and J. Wainwright. Under review. “Geopolitical economy and the production of territory in China and the US: a Gramscian view.” Environment & Planning A.

J. Wainwright and C. Zempel. Forthcoming. “The colonial roots of an extractivist state: the case of rosewood exports from southern Belize.” Development and Change.

J. Wainwright. Forthcoming. “What if Marx was an anarchist? A response to David Harvey.” Dialogues in Human Geography.

J. Wainwright. Forthcoming [2016]. “The spatial structure of world history.Journal of Japanese Philosophy.

J. Wainwright. 2016. “The colonization of the Maya of southern Belize.Research Reports in Belize History & Anthropology 4, 1-14.

J. Wainwright and J. Lund. 2016. “Race, space, and the problem of Guatemala in Miguel Ángel Asturias’s early work.GeoHumanities 2:1, 102-118

J. Wainwright. 2016. “The US military and human geography: reflections upon our conjuncture.Annals of the Association of American Geographers, doi 10.1080/24694452.2016.1145508.

J. Wainwright. 2015. “The origins of the state in colonial southern Belize.” Historical Geography 43, 122-138.

S-O. Lee, T. Barnes and J. Wainwright. 2015. “Mapping human terrain in the Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Study of Korea (1945).” The Professional Geographer 67(4), 663-675.

J. Wainwright, S. Jiang, K. Mercer, and D. Liu. 2015. “The political ecology of land use change along a highway corridor in southern Belize.” Environment and Planning A 47(4), 833-849.

J. Wainwright. 2015. “Reading Capital with Being and Time.” Rethinking Marxism 27(2), 160-176.

J. Wainwright and G. Mann. 2015. “Climate change and the adaptation of the political.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 105(2), 313-321.

J. Wainwright. 2014. “Geopiracy and the earthliness of thought: a reply to the critics.” Human Geography 7(3), 88-101.

V. Gidwani and J. Wainwright. 2014. “On capital, not-capital, and development: after Kalyan Sanyal.Economic & Political Weekly XLIX (34), 40-47.

J. Wainwright. 2014. “Up from the depths: reply to three critics of Geopiracy. Dialogues in Human Geography 4(1), 96-101.

S-O. Lee, N. Jan, and J. Wainwright. 2014. “Agamben, postcoloniality, and sovereignty in South Korea.Antipode 46(3), 650–668.

M. Robertson and J. Wainwright. 2013. “The value of nature to the state.Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103(4), 890-905.

J. Wainwright and G. Mann. 2013. “Climate Leviathan.Antipode 45(1), 1-22. Symposium on this paper published at the Antipode website.

K. Karatani and J. Wainwright. 2012. “‘Critique is impossible without moves’: an interview with Kōjin Karatani.Dialogues in Human Geography 2(1), 30-52. Responses to this interview published in Dialogues in Human Geography 2(1). Japanese translation published in Gendai-Shiso (Review of Modern Thought) 42(18)[2014], 139-173.

K. Mercer, H. Perales and J. Wainwright. 2012. “Climate change and the transgenic adaptation strategy: smallholder livelihoods, climate justice, and maize landraces in Mexico.Global Environmental Change 22(2), 495–504.

J. Wainwright. 2011. “Review essay on Commonwealth by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri.Human Geography 4(2), 113-121.

S.-O. Lee and J. Wainwright. 2010. “Revisiting regulation theory for the analysis of South Korea.Journal of Korean Economic Geography 13(4), 562-583.

J. Wainwright. 2010. “Climate change and the challenge of transdisciplinarity.Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100(4), 983-991. Republished in R. Aspinall, ed. 2012. Geography of Climate Change. NY: Routledge.

J. Wainwright. 2010. “On Gramsci’s conception of the world.Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 35, 507–521.

S-O. Lee, S-J. Kim, and J. Wainwright. 2010. “Mad cow militancy: neoliberal hegemony and social resistance in South Korea.Political Geography 29, 359–369.

J. Wainwright. 2010. “Aporia, apparatus, oscillation: a reply to the critics.” In “Review forum: reading Joel Wainwright’s Decolonizing development: colonial power and the Maya.Political Geography 29, 343–351.

J. Wainwright. 2010. “Was Gramsci a Marxist?Rethinking Marxism 22(4), 617–626.

S-J. Kim and J. Wainwright. 2010. “When seed fails: the contested nature of neoliberalism in South Korea.Geoforum 41, 723–733.

J. Wainwright. 2010. “Nietzsche contra the real world.ACME: International Journal for Critical Geographies 9(1) 21–32.

J. Wainwright and T. Barnes. 2009. “The nature and economy of the space–place distinction.Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 27(6), 966–986. Republished in P. Merriman, ed. 2015. Space: Critical Concepts in Geography. NY: Routledge.

T. Wong and J. Wainwright. 2009. “Offshoring dissent: the Singaporean state and the spaces of resistance at the 2006 IMF-World Bank meetings.Critical Asian Studies 41(3), 403–428.

J. Wainwright. 2009. “‘The first duties of persons living in a civilized community’: the Maya, the Church, and the colonial state in southern Belize.Journal of Historical Geography 35, 428–450.

J. Wainwright and K. Mercer. 2009. “The dilemma of decontamination: a Gramscian analysis of the Mexican transgenic maize dispute.Geoforum 40(3), 345-354.

J. Wainwright and J. Bryan. 2009. “Cartography, territory, property: postcolonial reflections on indigenous counter-mapping in Nicaragua and Belize.Cultural Geographies 16, 153-178.

J. Wainwright. 2008. “Uneven developments: from Grundrisse to Capital.Antipode 40(5), 879-897.

J. Lund and J. Wainwright. 2008. “Miguel Ángel Asturias and the aporia of postcolonial geography.Interventions: The International Journal of Postcolonial Theory 10(2), 141-157.

J. Wainwright and S-J. Kim. 2008. “Battles in Seattle redux: transnational resistance to a neoliberal trade agreement.Antipode 40(4), 513-534.

K. Mercer and J. Wainwright. 2008. “Gene flow from transgenic maize to landraces in Mexico: an analysis.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 123, 109–115.

J. Wainwright and R. Ortiz. 2006. “The battles in Miami: the fall of the FTAA and the promise of transnational movements.Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 24, 349-366.

J. Wainwright. 2005. “The geographies of political ecology: after Edward Said.Environment and Planning A 37(6), 1033-1043.

J. Wainwright 2005. “Three recent works by Bruno Latour.Capitalism Nature Socialism 16(1), 115-127.

J. Wainwright and C. Ageton. 2005. “The Coxcomb in the colonial present.The Journal of Belizean Studies 27(2), 27-42.

J. Wainwright and M. Robertson. 2003. “Territorialization, science, and the colonial state: the case of Highway 55 in Minneapolis, USA.Cultural Geographies 10, 196-217. 


Chapters in edited books

J. Wainwright, S. Jiang, and D. Liu. 2013. “Deforestation and the world-as-representation: the Maya forest of southern Belize.” In Land Change Science, Political Ecology, and Sustainability: Synergies and Divergences, C. Brannstrom and J. Vadjunec, eds. New York: Routledge, 169-190.

J. Wainwright. 2013. “The geography of uneven development and imperialism: from Grundrisse to Capital.” In In Marx’s Laboratory: Critical Interpretations of the Grundrisse. R. Bellofiore, G. Starosta, and P. Thomas, eds. Leiden, Holland: Brill, 371-391.

J. Wainwright. 2012. “The nature of Gramsci’s conception of the world.” In Gramscian Geographies: Space, Ecology, Politics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 161-177.

J. Wainwright. 2012. “The geographies of alter-globalization.” In The Companion to Economic Geography. T. Barnes, J. Peck and E. Sheppard, eds. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 330-343.

J. Wainwright and K. Mercer. 2011. “Transnational transgenes: the political ecology of Mexican maize.” In Global Political Ecologies. R. Peet, P. Robbins, and M. Watts, eds. New York: Routledge, 412-430.

J. Wainwright. 2006. “Spaces of resistance in Seattle and Cancún.”  In Contesting Neoliberalism: The Urban Frontier.  J. Peck, H. Leitner, and E. Sheppard, eds. New York: Guilford, 179-203.

B. Braun and J. Wainwright. 2001. “Nature, poststructuralism, and politics.”  In Social Nature: Theory, Practice, and Politics.  N. Castree and B. Braun, eds.  Oxford: Blackwell, 41-63.

K. Mercer and J. Wainwright. 2000. “Disuse of agricultural diversity in Minnesota.”  In Encouraging Diversity: The Conservation and Development of Plant Genetic Resources. C. Almekinders and W. de Boef, eds. London: Intermediate Technology, 76-80.