Court rules that U of Kansas cant expel students over remarks on Twitter, made off campus

The three judges on the Kansas Court of Appeals flagged from the start of a decision issued Friday that they didn’t approve of the content of a series of tweets by Navid Yeasin, whom the University of Kansas expelled in part on the basis of those remarks about his ex-girlfriend. The tweets were “puerile and sexually harassing,” the judges wrote.

But the judges went on to say that doesn’t matter. The university never demonstrated that Yeasin made the comments on Twitter while on campus or in connection with any university activity, and the university’s student conduct code thus doesn’t cover the tweets, the court found.

Connie Yowell speaks at the 2014 Open Badges Summit to Reconnect Learning

Connie Yowell speaks at the 2014 Open Badges Summit to Reconnect Learning: “Livestream capture of Connie Yowell, Director of Education at the MacArthur Foundation, speaking at the 2014 Open Badges Summit to Reconnect Learning on February 12, 2014 at NestGSV in Silicon Valley. Yowell discusses transformations in learning and education and the possibilities afforded by Open Badges.”

How we ruin social networks, Facebook specifically

How we ruin social networks, Facebook specifically 

A search for “Facebook” on Google Scholar alone now produces 3.7 million results; “Physics” only returns 4.7 million.

But in terms of presence, Facebook is flopping around a bit now. The ever-important “teens” despise it, and it’s not the runaway success, happy addiction, or awe-inspiring source of information it once was. We’ve curated our identities so hard and had enough experiences with unforeseen online conflict that Facebook can now feel more isolating than absorbing. But what we are dissatisfied with is what Facebook has been, not what it is becoming.”