2017 Pumpkin Field Day Approaching!

We are under two weeks until the annual Pumpkin Field day on Thursday, August 17th, from 6-8PM at the Western Ag Research Station in South Charleston.

Pumpkin plots at the research station.

This year’s field day will offer beginning and experienced growers valuable research updates regarding disease management, insect management, weed control, and showcase some new pumpkin and winter squash varieties.  Celeste Welty (entomology), Claudio Vrisman (plant pathology), Bryan Reeb (weed control), and Jim Jasinski (IPM Program and emcee) will be on hand to share their knowledge and answer your questions. There be presentations on how to identify and control weeds, insects, and diseases on this crop.

The field day will feature some traditional and new projects on the wagon tour, including a seven-treatment powdery mildew fungicide demonstration trial, a powdery mildew drip irrigation trial, a pumpkin variety trial with 20 hybrids ranging from small to large fruit, and a winter squash variety trial with 11 entries. This season has been marked by periods of heavy rain and cooler than average temperatures, resulting in seven hybrids that are a little behind schedule in terms of growth, having yet to produce any fruit. I anticipate by the field day they will have produced some fruit for you to see, although it may not be mature.

After the formal presentations, attendees will be encouraged to walk around the plots and interact with the specialists and other growers.

There is a fee of $5 per person; refreshments and handouts will be provided.

Pre-registration is requested by August 15th at www.surveymonkey.com/r/pumpkin17.

Here is the rough agenda for the field day:
5:30  Begin check in
6:00  Welcome, introductions, outline of field day
6:05  Board wagons and head to the plots
6:10  Orientation to plots, begin presentations
7:10  End formal presentations, begin plot walks
7:55  Board wagons, complete evaluations
8:00  Field day ends, travel safe!

See the preliminary flyer below for a few more details. Looking forward to seeing you there. Contact Jim Jasinski (jasinski.4@osu.edu) or 937-462-8016 for more information.

Pumpkin field day flyer.

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